clone probs?


Active Member
hi ive cloned my 4 plants at 5 wk old. i took 2 from each plant did the usual 90 degree cut straight in2 clonex then in rockwool cubes which i only soaked for about 30 mins mixed mith some formulex. put the tray in a dome under 200w cfl and the temp is 82f and humidity at 80. as u can see from my pics they r just droopy after 24 hrs. is this ok? im new to this. was wondering if the clones are 2 big and cant stand by themselves? cheers



Well-Known Member
you've got too much stalk on those little ladies.

i'd re-cut the ones that are bent all the way over, there's no way they've made any root growth yet...



Well-Known Member
don't cut anything except some of that long stalk. the lower leaves will die anyway, cut them off when they do.



Well-Known Member
right, the stem is nothing but a leaf holder and a pipe that let's water travel up. cut it just above that node you trimmed the leaves from and you'll be fine.



Well-Known Member
so should i just cut the side tips and have just 1 stalk with growing tip?
Trim off all the nodes and leaves except the top two and growing tip - you don't need them. Cut the stalks right down to about 2-3 inches from the tip, make another 45 degree cut, dip into clonex and back into the rockwool.

It's typical for them to droop for the first 24 hours, but you don't need all that vegetation on them. Keep misting them lightly to keep the humidity up.

Good luck.


Active Member
cheers 4 the info ppl much appreciated. im gonna just trim the sides and cut down the stalk wish me luck? well its all about learning


Well-Known Member
All of the above is correct. You would also be wise to get that temp down a little at the top of the plants. Lift the lid off a few times a day and leave it off for like 10 to 15 minutes to let them get some air. This is a good time to mist them. VV