King Arthur
Well-Known Member
Without Terps I would lose my soul
Without Terps I would lose my soul
Nah your cannabis would just smell like a plant
Hempfest Smokeoutsounds like a winner winner chicken dinner about the Seattle HempFest. I was talking to my good friend that lives there. I lived there a year before him and we grew up together back home in Austin bitching about his job and that he needed a change so I said move on out and he did 3 months later and has been there ever since, he got on the waiting list to get into underwater welding dive school made it and graduated top of his class but he doesn't weld he just goes out on fishing boats and they dive down to the bottom of the ocean in puget sound and fish for shit at the bottom, like geoducks.
Anyway, got side tracked, I was talking to him about going to the HempFest and he said fuck that its all teenage angst, a bunch of young irresponsible pot leaf wearing kids getting burned out giving serious people a that smoke a bad name and look. Meaning they perpetuating the image of a "typical" stoner instead of the tax paying professional that smokes instead of drinks. But I said yeah we were just like that and there are going to be a ton of cool speakers, music, food, lots and lots of cool gadgets. It really is a good time but with over 300k people in one place it is crowded as shit and covers a huge ass area.
So yeah make that thread and lets meet up in person!
I think grass smell is even a terp, I think it would smell like nothing![]()
I was reading in the advanced section somewhere that the reason cannabis smells like grass sometimes is cutting the fresh leaves. If you don't dry out the leaves before cutting into them they release the same chemical as grass does when you mow the lawn. Something like that. I am stoned as fuck right now sweating off these rosin dabs.
More like Bore-a-phyll! lol just kiddinchlorophyll?
These rosin dabs got me like
don't use buds if you ever try to rosin, use cheesecloth and kief. Smokes pretty damn good and sets me back for a couple hours.
YEah I love rosin dabs. here's my last little batch i did a couple days ago.
but cheesecloth wtf? for real?
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Hmm, I did use buds when I had my failed attempt. I have a ton of hash and keif I wanted to try to press with. I don't have cheese cloth but I have a 25u pressing screen?