clone of a clone of a clone,how many times?


not like the movie multipicity. the more time you clone the crappier the out come. thanks for the reply nlx


Active Member
I've wondered about this myself and after a lot of reading I've decided you can go as many times as you want. I've heard of 13th gen. clones that were totally fine. I think after maybe hundreds of times you might see some genetic fade, like maybe the hairs might not be as vibrantly colored, funky leaves, etc. =)


Well-Known Member
If you are talking about the cloning of a lineage of one plant, it would take you many cycles to destabilize that strain. For the casual hobbyist, this should present no problem. You are not going to notice any difference in your lifetime.


Well-Known Member
i have a strain that i have had for over a yr now.... so like 4th or 5th gen and they are great. same as the first on i got whice was a copy of a copy of a copy. ect...
maybe hope one will freak out on you and youll get some kind of new super weed. never know.


Well-Known Member
When you clone a plant that clone has the same exact make up as the mother it was taken from.. With this said the genetics should never change nor degrade since every clone taken has the exact same genetic makeup as the last.. bongsmilie

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Your mother plants can experience stresses and begin to change. So as long as your mothers are healthy your clones will be healthy. Personally, I cycle mother plants about every 8 months.


lots of great info. thanks a lot Ive cloned a strain twice and plan on going more. Ive got this great grandaddy purple i don't want to let go.

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
I run a perpetual grow, with a harvesting/cloning cycle every 10 days. I cut clones from the veggin plants ranther than a mother plant.
I've been growing like this about 6 years now off a single original plant. So I'm somewhere conservatively maybe in the 150th generation.


thats what im talkin bout way to go pullin' weeds. thats what im gonna do. i had a moyher grandad purp. that i raped for about 19 or 20 clones. she was over three i pulled all the branched but the top four. she is in flower now 1 day. gonna have one big cola. but i will continue to pull clones of the veggin ones. how long should i wait. before i can pull em. it took a good 2 weeks to show plantable roots. they are over 3 weeks and in solo cups lookin nice.