Clone Medium for Soil Grow


Well-Known Member
ok so im cloning this week and need to know one thing. I got the cloning gel, I got the containers. I got my dome and my light. what fucking medium do i put into the containers? i hear with a soil clone dont use anything with nutrients since nitrogen inhibits root growth. so does anyone have any suggestions? thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
I got here as soon as i could. Had to find a place to bury the hooker....Neither my impatient friend.

I actually use the same medium for my clones as i do my plants.

50% compost
25% worm castings
15% coarse sand
10% perlite

Its very loose, drains well, has all sorts of good bacteria and fungi as well as a bunch of nutes that cant burn your plants and feeds them very well with minimal yellowing during flowering.

Thats just how i do it.

I also scrape the sides of the stem as well as split the bottom before i dip the tip in rooting powder. Also i wet the soil before i put them in with tap water with a drop of hydrogen peroxide and cover the clones with a baggie.


Well-Known Member
i did it with a 80:20 perlite to soil. misting is KEY. every couple hours for the first coupke days then move to 2-3 times a day. beginnging mid-day and before they go to bed


Well-Known Member
I have used two ways, Jiffy 7 peat pucks and MG starter soil both work very well. I use the Jeffy's now as I can get more in a smaller area than beer cups.