Clone leaves turning yellowish, droppy


Active Member
I have a clone that has been for 10 days now. Takin from a female white dragon. Under a simple florescent. The bottom leaves and the second level up are turning yellow. Also the leaves have been droppy for a few days now. What is going on? I thought it would be rooted and fix itself by now. PICS ARE BELOW

Help me??


Well-Known Member
has it rooted yet
what meathod ar you useing to clone
how close is the light to the plants

pics pics pics pics pics


Active Member
this is them i the have been yellowing for 2-2.5 days now. they have been in the ground for 10 days. it is in a perlite and vermiculite. used rooting powder.



Active Member
I know that roots shouldnt be exposed to light but i was trying to see if it had rooted. this is what is looks like. please help



Well-Known Member
mmmmh looks to be general lack of water use and aerocloner next time they kick ass

water them and kist they 2 times a day hopfully they'll survive