clone is close to death, can it be saved???

this is my fisrt clone i got about five days ago. it was doing fine, and then i left the fan on overnight blowing directly onto the leaves. (i just wasnt thinking) overnight the larger fan leaves where dried to a crisp and so were some of the smaller ones. i trimmed some off the dried leaves and gave it a good watering. its been two days and the leaves are still wilted and show signs of drying. it is planted in rockwool and its under 4 26w cfl 24/0. can she still be saved or is it a lost cause? any advice helps thanks.



Well-Known Member
the algae and black mold don't concern you a bit?

get some h2o2 ... do a search or two ... and everything will be fine


Active Member
this is my fisrt clone i got about five days ago. it was doing fine, and then i left the fan on overnight blowing directly onto the leaves. (i just wasnt thinking) overnight the larger fan leaves where dried to a crisp and so were some of the smaller ones. i trimmed some off the dried leaves and gave it a good watering. its been two days and the leaves are still wilted and show signs of drying. it is planted in rockwool and its under 4 26w cfl 24/0. can she still be saved or is it a lost cause? any advice helps thanks.
damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn bro i dont know....that thing looks fucked but i've seen some worse than that come back...normally once the damage is done its done but if new growth appears whether it be new leaves or what not then its not a lost cause. just keep treating it right giving her light and water but DONT OVERWATER...but like i said if u see any growth then chances are u might be able to save it....
good luck man hope it goes okbongsmilie