clone help, will it live?


Active Member
so on saturday I bought a clone for my friends birthday (to give to her) and it was some stinky stuff
it really looked good, so i decided why the hell not I'll clone this clone and take the cutting back home (I had to take a greyhound bus) and try to grow one myself

i cut the nice looking branch and put it in a zip lock bag with enough water to almost submerge the entire clone(-clone)
sunday afternoon I bussed it back home, made sure my potting soil was nice and moist, and planted that cloned clone, still unrooted

i put in into my homemade pc grow box and waited to see what would happen monday morning.
monday comes around and the clone looks like its drying out, a leaf on it is dried up and dead looking, so i soak the dirt more and put a plastic bag over the clone to see if it needs the humidity

in just a couple hours the plant seemed to have been brought back from the dead, looks green, leaves stand on their own, and hopefully its begining to root

today it looked good all day, i removed the plastic bag to give her some fresh air and hopefully shes beginning to root

so my question is does anyone think my moist dirt is enough to root her and keep this chick kicking? she really has vastly improved since yesterday but I'm pretty anxious to know if shes rooted or in the process of. Or am I just gonna have to wait it out the week and see if she survives?


Active Member
Depends. I've seen success with your way, but then again, I've seen failure too. I assume you didn't use any rooting gel/compound/hormones? You have to keep it well watered and by that i mean MISTED/Foliar Feed. Without roots to a plant, the only way they can get water well or nutes well is through the leave system...there are a lot of posts/guides about cloning, i suggest looking one up


Active Member
yea i didn't use any rooting hormone
I've done a lot of research and I know about hormones and other more appropriate techniques for cloning
it was a random event that i cloned a clone and since I only have a pot with soil and a homemade pc grow box I'm just trying to see if i can root this bitch
its been 4 days now and she still looks like shes alive
nice and green, still stands up on her own, but no noticeable growth at all
thats why I am wondering if shes actually rooted and will grow anymore
thanks for your help, ill try to spray the leaves is she looks a lil dry later on

California Buds

Well-Known Member
If she looks alive then shes doing good. It will probably take 2-3 weeks without any of that rooting hormone.
Good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
You wont see noticeable growth until a root system develops, that can take 5 days - 3 weeks.

Also you can clip the leaves a bit to prevent water loss.


Active Member
how wet should I keep the soil? water like a normal plant, or keep it consistently moist for roots to grow?
and will keeping a plastic bag over it help the plant at all in this stage?


Active Member
the clone still hasn't rooted at all and is a little droopy probably from me over watering it to ensure the soil staying moist
today i bought some of those expandable pellets and I'm germinating a skunk#1 fem, and i transfered the clone to a pellet
they are inside a makeshift humidity dome (clear cd case), and ill see what happens in the next few days


Active Member
i opened my makeshift humid dome and to my surprise the clone has rooted!!!!
no hormone, no nutrients, no nothing, just a great cutting and some luck
thanks to those who helped out
might need to make this grow a journal