Clone growing green?


Active Member
I started some clones in a cloning machine. I guess thats what you call it :) the stem goes in the resover and gets sprayed with water 24hrs a day. there all starting to take root but this one is growing green ...did I cut them wrong or what? or is this normal? would you say its close to being ready for dirt? Thanks!!



Active Member
thanks im going to go ahead and put it in dirt. my question now is I have a couple light options. For my clones I have 4 t8s 6500k. in my flowering room I have 1k and 400 watt hps. Im adjusting my plants before flowering so Im running 24 hr in the flower room before budding. should I put these under big lights since I have that option for a week maybe make them grow faster or... i dunno seems like it may be a good idea what are your thoughts?
dont put it in soil yet...The plant can live for another week and the roots with strengthen so not to tear/rip when planted. Leave it in the cloner for another 4-5 days
thanks im going to go ahead and put it in dirt. my question now is I have a couple light options. For my clones I have 4 t8s 6500k. in my flowering room I have 1k and 400 watt hps. Im adjusting my plants before flowering so Im running 24 hr in the flower room before budding. should I put these under big lights since I have that option for a week maybe make them grow faster or... i dunno seems like it may be a good idea what are your thoughts?
24 hrs works but they will grow fastest at 18/6. Plants love the dark period and thinking its spring...Thats what 18/6 does. And keep the HPS 40 inches away from the new clones. For the flourescent leave about 12 inches above. My experience is that HPS is hard onthe clones and flourescent is much safer