Clone Dome Moisture Question?


Well-Known Member
Are you supposed to wipe of the walls of the dome when there is a lot of moisture on it.

Also are you supposed to leave any of the vents open?


Well-Known Member
Just a noob here but from what I understand you need to keep your humidity up for clones to root so the moister you see is fine and leave it. After your clone root you can remove the dome. Someone please correct me if I am wrong don't want to give out bad advice ya know. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i have one event open one closed, i mist, and i opened the other vent for a day and now i am having huge wiltingprob with my oldest clone. I did nto give the 6 hours of darkness either. AHHHH. I need help too.

I have 30c heat enviro. hi rh in dome. I use the humdome with the insert and the water under that. I got the clone heat mat.

I just closed the other vent again and hope thingspick up. I need these clones.


Well-Known Member
i have one event open one closed, i mist, and i opened the other vent for a day and now i am having huge wiltingprob with my oldest clone. I did nto give the 6 hours of darkness either. AHHHH. I need help too.

I have 30c heat enviro. hi rh in dome. I use the humdome with the insert and the water under that. I got the clone heat mat.

I just closed the other vent again and hope thingspick up. I need these clones.
Yea I am getting a little bit of whilting going on as well. Last night when I planted them they were all perky.

I whiped off the water fromt he sides and will do that once a day. I am not sure If i should be misiting them or not?
