Clone- 24 hr->outisde

I am curious if I need to play with the light schedule of a clone before putting it outside. It has been under 24 hr flourescent light. And i am curious if i should go to 12/12 flourescent before putting them outside. Any advice will be appreciated. Oh and if that wasnt enough I think that clone was in its cup too long, because it is already showing the white pistils. I figure that will set it back(stunt), (I guess it's trying to bud already??) I wanna just put it out but dont want to stunt any worse than it probably is. But any info will be nice thank you in advance. (Nothern LightxSkunk)


Active Member
budding is usualy due to lighting not stunting that I know of. Don't worry about adjusting the light slowly. Most of us go from 24/7 to 12/12 and the plants adapt.


Well-Known Member
I would say . just put it out dude . however I would dig up a place for it and transplant it . the sun is alot more powerful then florescent lighting .

EXAMPLE , cause I know you already knew that !!

what I mean is .. with CFLS and tubes most people 24/0 .. but if you were using MH you should use a 18/6 schedule .

just watch your baby and make sure no cats eat it ;) .