

Active Member
whats up everyone ? happy friday! hey I have some dried clippings from my 1st harvest and want to know what I can do with them.....brownies, cookies, etc ??


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone ? happy friday! hey I have some dried clippings from my 1st harvest and want to know what I can do with them.....brownies, cookies, etc ??
you can make.. brownies,hash,cookies,and just about anything that is made with butter or oil... oh yea and also butane extracted honey:blsmoke:..but say you were going to make chocolate chip cannabis cookies. Then you would boil about 1 cup of water then add 2 sticks of butter.when its disolved add your dried trim its best if you cut it up real good but dont use a coffee grinder you want to be able to strain it out.let it simmer for about 35-45 minutes and then place into a glass bowl.then let it sit in your fridge and wait until all the butter has cooled and is solid and then pour out the water and use the butter for your normal recipie.


Well-Known Member
Make Sum Green Tincture....get Everclear Alchahol And Put Clippings In And Let Sit For A Week Or Two And Shake Once A Day And Up Youll Go


Well-Known Member
to make stronger cannabutter (or just a lazier method), get a crock pot, and melt the butter in there without water. because of the nature of crock pots you cannot burn it, simply melt the butter, throw in the ground up clippings, bring to a simmer, and let it simmer for about an hour. Then turn off the crock pot and let it cool, then bring it back to a simmer and let it simmer for another hour, then strain it out into a tupperware and throw that bitch in the fridge.

also - you can keep repeating the cool down/ reheat to simmer step to make considerably stronger butter. the more time you put into this step, the stronger your butter will be


Well-Known Member
My ol' lady uses a double boiler to make cannabutter with all my trim, does great butter tarts and other goodies. She adds the leaf matter that's left when she bakes bread. Mmmmh Good!!!!


Well-Known Member
i made some milk with clippings as an experiment a few days ago
looks potent but smells so weird that i have to let a friend drink it first :)