Clippings From First Grow Help


Active Member
I want to make some cannabutter. i have about 5 grams of clippings with resin all over them, and 5 grams of fan leaves, all off my 1 female harvested plant. so with about 10g of total clippings, how much butter would i have to use? or better yet, what would be the best recipe to follow with my amount of clippings? would i get good results? should i let them dry first or use em fresh?


I think that would make one batch of nice brownies or one-half batch of killer brownies! Just follow the recipe making sure to use a high fat oil/butter. Coconut oil is an extremely high fat oil. Real butter always works well, too. Avoid margarines and other low fat products. Before you mix all the brownie ingredients heat the oil/butter until it melts. A crock pot or double boiler is ideal because it's very hard to burn the butter (and the herb) in either. If you have neither then tend to the butter stirring regularly to prevent sticking and burning, and maybe reduce the heat some to be safe. Simmer for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Even longer is better, but I don't know the magic number when you get diminishing returns. The crock pot is nice because you barely have to tend to it so cooking for 8 hours isn't a big deal. When you're done strain the plant material. Most of the THC is now in the butter, which will continue to act like normal butter. You can dump it in a brownie mix right away, refrigerate it for use later, or even spread some on toast for breakfast to start your day off right. It will have some plant/herb flavor that may not be appealing. Brownies are a good medium due to (I think) the chocolate, which seems to overpower the odd flavor.

Remember cannabutter can be very potent so start with a very small amount to test it, and wait an hour for the effects to kick in before smoking or eating more. If you don't feel much after an hour it's safe to try more. Normally you know it's working within 20-30 minutes (after the food makes its way through your intestines and into your blood) but it's often a very gradual ride up to a high peak. Be patient and have fun!


One more thing you might want is a candy thermometer to make sure the butter doesn't get too hot and vaporize the THC. Under 300F should be safe.