Clipping Off the Water leaves (Sucker leaves)


Well-Known Member
basically can this thread end with 'its ok to trim afew fan leaves off here and there when needed to give space so light can reach your lower bud sites however don't massacre the poor bugger leaving only bud and no leaves or your gonna seriously harm/ stunt your plant'

nice summary rep+


Well-Known Member
Grade- question you said larger fan leaves wer on plant in wild to grow bigger bud

do you think that is plants natural function to grow bud or is it to grow seed and replinish

I thinkm we have taken the plant off its natural course these hermies and all mutant plants

just my opinion but im only growing for six months now what the f do I know

peace to you my brother
ya this guy keeps tellin me to cut all the fan leaves but r they not the solar panels that take in and release energy? i can understand a lil trim but i jus dunno about choppin most of t hem off anymore opinions

grow space

Well-Known Member
its not usually good to clip of leafs exept when you are lollipoping.the plant needs it leaves cas it will make sugars 4 it so it can grow.if a leaf is dying then it will come of naurally well.this cutting of leaves will stress the plant and stress is not good(a little stress is good at the end on 2 weeks of harvest-increases the resin production).who has read my yesterdays thread how i idiodicly damaged my 1 of 3 main stems, then know that i trimmed it also cas my plan was already getting some hardcore stress.
stress stunts the grow, when you clip those leafs off-it takes 2 days or so to get it back growing, so i advise you do not trimm those leaves off, but its up up you man.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Grade- question you said larger fan leaves wer on plant in wild to grow bigger bud

do you think that is plants natural function to grow bud or is it to grow seed and replinish

I thinkm we have taken the plant off its natural course these hermies and all mutant plants

just my opinion but im only growing for six months now what the f do I know

peace to you my brother

i think the plants main goal before it is pollinated is to make the largest and stickyest buds it can so it can capture some pollin more easyly. only after she is pollinized will she begin to waste energy on production of seeds


Well-Known Member
OK I'm new here so take it easy on the noob. I have grown a few plants in my day and I am by far no expert in growing marijuana. I just have one question. I'm a outdoor grower and when growing towards the end of budding cycle roughly a month or so. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to the plant if you were to cut off the sucker leaves so more energy goes into the budding process than to actually growing the sucker leaves themselves? If you are watering on a regular basis don't the buds get all the water and nutrients instead of them going to the sucker leaves?


I agree. I have all my plants with minimal trimming and the shade leaves are still intact. Once the buds form on the plants you can move the shade leaves around and place buds on top or move them so they do achieve the sun they need. When it comes to light in the lower canopy they will get some and naturally they are not expected to get a lot. Chill on the shade leaves they are an important key to large yields and healthy plants.


i dont agree about cutting any leaves unless: they are moldy, hanging on the ground, dead/dying, or bug infested to the point you are trying to save a crop. When you cut the big leaves you are cutting the plants main way to make sugars for bud production. If you do an experament you can also see that cutting the "sucker" leaves stunts and stresses your plants. Try this leave 1 plant with all its leaves on or vice versa, then see which one grows better. That is the only way to know without just taking someones word. But i will tell you from experience doing anything to your plants other than watering/fertilizing them and giving them light and a fan (co2 if its a big grow more than 100sf) will stress and result in smaller yeilds. I see ppl say that it "seems" to them the buds grow faster but they dont. It is usualy a lack of patience. And wanting a conversation about "what did you do to the plants today" that causes ppl to chop up their plants the fan leaves will produce bigger buds by getting light than, the buds getting the light directly. P.S. thhis is not an oppinion it is a long proven fact only discussed out of lack of knowledge. I hope this helps all of you who are new and those who just dont know.


Rebel From The North
week 1 through 4/5 plant need the larger leaves for vertical growth, after up ward growth stops removing fan leaves does no harm to the plant
or the yield! what it does do is help light get to lower bud site and increase the quality of the lower buds, not realy adding to yield just quality!
ive done this for many grows and there not small grows either. this debate between to cut them off or not is stupid! If you dont beleave in it
then dont! and if you do good for you, it works for me well. hope all grows go well peace


New Member
lmao...its not opinion...its fact bud...,you dont need to cut your leaves off to learn...others have already done that for you...just take the damn advice man....yeah weed grows itself...but it takes fan leaves to do so. trimming fan leaves lowers yields...its a fact of life man....I am sorry you feel the need to back up bad advice but it is what it is. I am not whining...i really could care less if you wanna go trim your plants after you read just trying to help people avoid pitfalls in their growroom. trimming will not force your buds to grow fact it will stunt the plants growth for 3 days to a take an 8 week flowering period....minus one week of bud growth....hmm.....cmon cut it and it grows doesnt fuckin work that way dude...sorry
anyone else who actually knows what they are doin care to comment on this?[/QUOTE

I am an avid grower of many many things. I also grew up in the country, working on farms. And I would like to say, Everywhere in the world they "top" the tobacco. Topping allows energy that would have produced a bloom to promote leaf expansion. We trim the suckers off of our tomato and pepper plants for the same reason. To allow the energy being used for those leaves to be utilized by other parts of the plant. I am not sure you understand exactly how the process of "growing" anything works. I have been growing my indoor "garden" for over 30 years. I come from a time when it was ALL GOOD! And we always trim the big "water leaves" from the plant as it grows. If growing outside, then the leaves serve more of a purpose. But inside, where you are sustaining the moisture levels, not so much. They are just using food and energy that could be utilized by other parts of the plant. And they are not needed to catch water for the plant, and you are not going to harvest them! just saying :)


Rebel From The North
lmao...its not opinion...its fact bud...,you dont need to cut your leaves off to learn...others have already done that for you...just take the damn advice man....yeah weed grows itself...but it takes fan leaves to do so. trimming fan leaves lowers yields...its a fact of life man....I am sorry you feel the need to back up bad advice but it is what it is. I am not whining...i really could care less if you wanna go trim your plants after you read just trying to help people avoid pitfalls in their growroom. trimming will not force your buds to grow fact it will stunt the plants growth for 3 days to a take an 8 week flowering period....minus one week of bud growth....hmm.....cmon cut it and it grows doesnt fuckin work that way dude...sorry
anyone else who actually knows what they are doin care to comment on this?
Yah i will comment on this! Your clueless trimming up your plants has been a practice in many large ops
not saying your going to get more yield just saying by removing lower junk and a few selected leaf here
and there you can turn grade b lower bud to a grade a bud and increase bag apeal! I got nothing to prove
here on riu so do what you want this threads full of trolls anyway! The real growers know what im talking

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just do whatever u want their your plants.people that get mad becouse u dont take their advice are full of shit live ur life lil homie .


Well-Known Member
For the love of god people just listen to honkeytown.

Defoliating / removing the fan leaves is a terrible idea...I can't believe how many times this has been explained in this thread and there are still people arguing it.

Madness... stoners are a stoners worst enemy, goddamn idiots will believe anything.

diet coke

Active Member
I hate cutting anything off of my plants, defoliation makes me sick. If you think taking the leaves off works get some Agent Orange and go to town.
There is no magic way to make "buds bigger" grow healthy green plants.