Clinton Snaps..

Carlin would never make up anything that kookie. I think a progressive got hold of that meme. :mrgreen:

It's not the banks you have to worry about. There are no "criminal friends" on Wall Street who can take your assets without your consent. That's stupid. It's socialists like Obama, Billary and Sanders you have to worry about. They can (and will) use "the law" to steal your money. There's recent talk that Obama is trying to figure out a way to get a part of people's retirement funds, 401K.

i'm afraid he's his quote. look it up if you dare.
now..and as commander-in-chief?

this is the handwriting on the wall.

you men are the scary ones who wish to vote her in.
"you men"? whz up with dat? I thought it was the bitches that wanted her, more than any other group of likely voters? Leave the men alone, as actually the white, uneducated, lower middle class one's are Trumps feeding ground, certainly not Clintons.
"you men"? whz up with dat? I thought it was the bitches that wanted her, more than any other group of likely voters? Leave the men alone, as actually the white, uneducated, lower middle class one's are Trumps feeding ground, certainly not Clintons.

don't YOU support her?
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but she's anointed, it HER turn.
You got that right, she is anointed by the GOP to take this election to the bank, and schuylaar, you better take all the sharp instruments out of your home by the end of this month, because it sounds like you will be close to suicidal when the "Burn" turns to ash. So sorry, but inevitable.
You got that right, she is anointed by the GOP to take this election to the bank, and schuylaar, you better take all the sharp instruments out of your home by the end of this month, because it sounds like you will be close to suicidal when the "Burn" turns to ash. So sorry, but inevitable.

i just love how you guys are coming to her defense..poor, poor hill.
Carlin would never make up anything that kookie. I think a progressive got hold of that meme. :mrgreen:

It's not the banks you have to worry about. There are no "criminal friends" on Wall Street who can take your assets without your consent. That's stupid. It's socialists like Obama, Billary and Sanders you have to worry about. They can (and will) use "the law" to steal your money. There's recent talk that Obama is trying to figure out a way to get a part of people's retirement funds, 401K.

Negative interest rates and ending cash are also in their playbook.
Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Owes Me an Apology Over 'Lies' Claim

Senator Bernie Sanders said that his Democratic presidential primary opponent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton owed him and his campaign an apology Friday evening over an ongoing spat about donations from the fossil fuel industry.

"Secretary Clinton, you owe us an apology. We were telling the truth," Sanders in response to accusations from Clinton's campaign that he and his campaign had been "lying" and misconstruing Clinton's relationship with the oil and gas industry.

"The truth is that Secretary Clinton has relied heavily on funds from lobbyists working for the oil, gas, and coal industry," Sanders said in front of a crowd of about 2,200 people in Sheboygan South High School.

Sanders argued that Clinton's campaign and Super PAC has received "more than $4.5 million from the fossil fuel industry" and said "57 oil, gas, and coal industry lobbyists have directly contributed to her campaign" citing an analysis done by the environmental organization Greenpeace.

The Clinton team quickly responded, saying they would not apologize. Clinton's campaign said Sanders was going out of his way to "deliberately mislead voters rather than debate the issues."

"We will not apologize for calling out these kinds of schemes for what they are: a desperate move from a campaign that has clearly decided that the only hope for a path to victory is through misleading attacks," Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement to NBC News.

Palmieri also said the Sanders campaign has received campaign contributions from "individuals who work for oil and gas companies."

The Sanders campaign is standing by the Greenpeace analysis, which examines almost $1.5 million bundled for the campaign by lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry and over $3.2 million from "large donors" with fossil fuel interests for the Clinton backing Super PAC, Priorities USA.
that's why we're here..different perspective and debate of same.

i accept your challenge:wink:

soooo..what about indirectly from wall street..where is it you think they get their money?

it's way more than $308k.
Oh absolutely. And its why I support Bernie and will need to choose again after Bernie taps out in about a month. I want to be proven wrong about this.

So, Wall St contributions: "Through the end of December, donors at hedge funds, banks, insurance companies and other financial services firms had given at least $21.4 million to support Clinton’s 2016 presidential run — more than 10 percent of the $157.8 million contributed to back her bid, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings by The Washington Post."

Now that is enough to buy a presidency. However, the topic of this post is oil money. Fact check = mostly false.

The bulk of that goes to Republicans, by about 75% margin. So, the premise of your post is false. Clinton has a reasonable argument when she says that big oil contributions are overblown by Bernie. She's not in the bag of big oil.

In the general election, Trump v Hillary, its big oil and Wall street v Wall Street. Again, the money guys win regardless if its an elephant or a donkey in the White House.
Oh absolutely. And its why I support Bernie and will need to choose again after Bernie taps out in about a month. I want to be proven wrong about this.

So, Wall St contributions: "Through the end of December, donors at hedge funds, banks, insurance companies and other financial services firms had given at least $21.4 million to support Clinton’s 2016 presidential run — more than 10 percent of the $157.8 million contributed to back her bid, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings by The Washington Post."

Now that is enough to buy a presidency. However, the topic of this post is oil money. Fact check = mostly false.

The bulk of that goes to Republicans, by about 75% margin. So, the premise of your post is false. Clinton has a reasonable argument when she says that big oil contributions are overblown by Bernie. She's not in the bag of big oil.

In the general election, Trump v Hillary, its big oil and Wall street v Wall Street. Again, the money guys win regardless if its an elephant or a donkey in the White House.

to which I say..citation on 'mostly false'..?


The Sanders campaign is standing by the Greenpeace analysis, which examines almost $1.5 million bundled for the campaign by lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry and over $3.2million from "large donors" with fossil fuel interests for the Clinton backingSuper PAC, Priorities USA.

your turn..
Bernie Sanders: 'We're telling the truth'

EAU CLAIRE - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is going head to head with Hillary Clinton in rallies being held here Saturday.

Sanders took the stage at Zorn Arena about 12:15 p.m. to a raucous ovation from about 3,000 supporters.

He immediately told the crowd not to listen to naysayers from the Clinton campaign who think he couldn't win in a general election.

“Let me tell you that the last CNN poll had us 20 points ahead,” he said.

Crowds began forming outside Zorn Arena on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus early this morning in anticipation of the campaign stop by the Vermont senator who has galvanized young voters in his bid for the White House. A Clinton rally, meanwhile, is taking place a short time later at the nearby Lismore Hotel in the city's downtown.

Sanders said people are taking notice of his campaign because of the message.

"We're doing something unusual in American politics," he said. "We're telling the truth."

Eau Claire Memorial High School senior Madeline Strasburg, 17, of came with a group of friends and was near the front as people packed toward the podium before Sanders' arrival.

"I think Bernie is the most legitimate candidate we've had in a really long time," she said.

It's "so important that he's not being bought out" and that he has stuck by his beliefs for so long, she said.

Strasburg, attending her second Sanders rally, said the most important issue for her is equality for people disenfranchised by the system.

"To hear his stances gets me so fired up," she said.

Nearby, Keegan Kline, 19, of Eau Claire said she is drawn to Sanders in part because he focuses on all people instead of just the upper class. Human rights, she said, is a key issue for her.

He has "an untainted view of how people should be treated," she said.

Sanders hit on that theme early.

"You guys ready for a radical idea?" he asked the crowd. "Together we are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1 percent."

Sanders drew big applause when he said better access to mental health was needed, calling addiction a huge mental health issue that needs to be addressed.

"We need a revolution in this country in terms of how we deal with mental health treatment," he said.

The line to get into the Sanders event was snaking down the block by 8 a.m., about two hours before doors were set to open. A return of winter arrived at the same time, covering the crowd with snow as many of them wrapped themselves in blankets.

The frenzy comes ahead of Tuesday's hotly contested Wisconsin primary.

Sanders' rallies have drawn a high percentage of millennials all week. Doors to Zorn Arena open at 10 a.m.

"On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is trying to make this a turning point for his campaign, where pulling off a victory in a competitive swing state in the Midwest would have a lot of symbolic value and give him some energy going into the New York primary and others that are coming down the pike," said University of Wisconsin-Madison political science professor Barry Burden. "Clinton is obviously trying to hold him off but she's doing that while trying to look ahead to Pennsylvania, New York and other places. So it's a really serious race on the Democratic side."

Candidates from both parties have been crisscrossing the state in a final dash toward the state's primary. Wisconsin will be the only state holding a primary or caucus on Tuesday, so it's not getting lost amid other states' numbers.

Bob Harshman, 47, of Eau Claire said leveling the playing field is most important to him. It's what got him out to see Sanders on Saturday even though he is usually not politically involved.

"I've been broke my whole life and I plan on dying broke," he said. "And it's, you know, it's kind of sickening to see how much money some people have. And they should be spreading it around and it's not."

In the general election, Trump v Hillary, its big oil and Wall street v Wall Street. Again, the money guys win regardless if its an elephant or a donkey in the White House.

funny, they don't have to..and yet?

^^^this is one of THE most important statements i've seen this election.

if not now..when?

to which I say..citation on 'mostly false'..?


The Sanders campaign is standing by the Greenpeace analysis, which examines almost $1.5 million bundled for the campaign by lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry and over $3.2million from "large donors" with fossil fuel interests for the Clinton backingSuper PAC, Priorities USA.

your turn..
I already posted it. Look in the first page of this thread. I'm not going to go into the Greenpeace article and break it down. I'll add to what I brought forward yesterday with some stuff from here:

Clinton’s 2016 campaign has not accepted any direct contributions from any corporation, oil and gas companies included. That would violate election law. Nor has her 2016 campaign accepted any money from PACs tied to the oil and gas industry.

So far in the 2016 campaign, Clinton has received about $160,000 in contributions from people who work for oil and gas companies, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. But those contributions would not run afoul of the group’s pledge.

A Republican super PAC, America Rising, scoffed at Clinton’s response, claiming that she has “literally taken millions of dollars from the oil and gas industry.” But the PAC is including money oil companies donated to the Clinton Foundation — which is a charitable foundation that is unaffiliated with the Clinton campaign and would have no bearing on the pledge.

Later in the article, I get this breakdown:

According to records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, the Clinton 2016 campaign has received about $160,000 to date from oil and gas company employees. That’s the third highest among presidential candidates — Republicans Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush top the list with $499,000 and $273,000, respectively. (Democrats Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, both of whom agreed to the pledge, have received $13,000 and $6,200, respectively, from employees of the oil and gas industry.)

For some context, the Clinton campaign raised more than $77 million as of Sept. 30, and the fossil fuel industry did not rank among her top 20 donors by industry.

Again, you are quoting something from Greenpeace and I'm quoting from articles posted by and Center for Responsive Politics. I'm guessing Greenpeace is in rubber stamping their number by using the right wing Super PAC America Rising who laughingly lump in contributions to a foundation of Hillary's with her campaign contributions.

I'm not saying Clinton's hands are clean. I'm saying the claims of millions in oil money given to her campaign are mostly false. Let's let the Republicans smear this site with false claims. I'd prefer if we could at least post factual articles when comparing the two democratic party candidates. You seem attracted to the dark side. Is it fear that is driving you?

In any case, the tar from Wall Street sticking to Clinton ought to be enough to convince anybody that Bernie is the best candidate.