clinton saves the day


Well-Known Member
That situation was really strange if you think about it, but a positive strange.


Well-Known Member
Sure helps the journalist when their boss was the Veep and a former Pres res comes to your aid, now if only they could do that for all the captured journalists.


Well-Known Member
i think those girls knew what they were doing and figured it wasn't as big a deal as it really was. then they got caught and were like "oh shit, we fucked up".


Well-Known Member
No way Bill is smooth.
He wouldn't want no sucked up lovin' from a half dead sawed off Korean dood.
WTF, just ... images.


Well-Known Member
What a spin in one day.
I was watching the news yesterday morning when they had breaking news!!! the girls had been pardoned. They said it took a few weeks to do and when they were actually pardoned was before Bill even got there. He just made it look pretty, and negotiate what korea gets in return for these girls.

what... huh?

Active Member
As much as I want to believe that mexi... I have found absolutely 0 corroboration of that. Every news agency on the planet reports the pardon happened after talks with Clinton.

It is all political posturing... but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
i just saw the press statement made by one of the young ladies. they thought they were on there way to hard labor. they were called to a "meeting". they stepped thru the door and clinton was standing there smiling.


Well-Known Member
I know it's not a big deal just kinda noticed because I was watching CNN when they were talking about the girls being pardoned and that clintons plane had just landed or something, the only reason It seemed off is because that was one of the points they were making that clintons team or whoever was all involved had been working at this for weeks, I agree that he probably was responsible for it and they were probably pardoned before he physically was there, they just lumped it into one neat little package of news.

I did also go and check a bunch of news sites after posting that and they pretty much say the same. I could be wrong whatevers. like I said not an issue or anything just an observation from one day to the next.


Well-Known Member
i just saw the press statement made by one of the young ladies. they thought they were on there way to hard labor. they were called to a "meeting". they stepped thru the door and clinton was standing there smiling.
I know I'm not saying they didn't "say" that. Like I said I was watching the news in the morning here and it would have had to been before this meeting. Again I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the breaking news was that the girls were being pardoned and that clinton was just arriving or just arrived and at the time they said it would be 2-3 hours before he would meet with Kim.

I'm not trying to stir anything, just an observation.:weed:


New Member
Well, I've never been a Bill Clinton fan, that's for sure. But, in this case I have to hand it to him. Not that I'm giving him credit for the release of the girls, because I believe the release was predetermined by the current administration. What I AM giving Clinton credit for, is that he showed some real class (finally) by not saying a word at the press conference, and not turning it into a "Bill Clinton moment." Kudos to Bill Clinton.



Well-Known Member
Plus it's just nice seeing a representative from America sit down and meet with Kim. We need to open the doors and engage in dialogue with ANYONE - especially our enemies. This specific area is where Bush caused a LOT of harm. Shooting from the hip only alienates.


New Member
Plus it's just nice seeing a representative from America sit down and meet with Kim. We need to open the doors and engage in dialogue with ANYONE - especially our enemies. This specific area is where Bush caused a LOT of harm. Shooting from the hip only alienates.
I agree, sitting down with those we disagree with is fine, but emulating them is not fine.

By the way, jrh, have you heard that Hugo Chavez has just nationalized the coffee industry in his country? All for a good cause, of course. It seems Chavez thinks the coffee growers were price gouging, evil profit makers. Is America's coffee sellers next on Obama's list? :lol:
