In the US we classify mass shooting as 2 or more people which the vast majority are gang related. Any school shooting is horrific but when 100% of those kids are on some kind of psychotropic drug why aren't parents up in arms about these drugs? Maybe because they also use it on their kid as a baby sitter.There have been 154 mass shootings so far this year alone as of August. 24 of them were at school.
Hundreds dead right there and not a single one had anything to do with gangs or drugs.
We've lost more school kids so far this year than Military personnel.
YOU do the research.
Last year there was 32,000 gun deaths which to me is a lot. Once you look at the numbers though it's pretty easy to see why its incredibly unlikely that you would ever be involved in a gun related death.
19,200 are suicides
960 accidents
1280 justified
10,560 homicides (8448 gang related)
That leaved 1,712 who were victims of gun violence out of almost 400 million.
So if you're not in a gang, don't commit suicide and don't commit a crime there is a
.000008% chance of dying from a firearm.
I realize it doesn't fit the narrative but that is the facts and there are at least 30 other countries where you have a much higher chance of getting killed by a gun, some of which guns are strictly forbidden.
The suicide part is fine with me. The other parts of your post are complete bullshit though. Do you have any idea how many people defend themselves or their families successfully as compared to having the gun turned on them or accidentally shooting themselves. Keep in mind not all successful saves involve an actual shooting.Odds are higher that you'll shoot yourself by accident than you successfully defending yourself with your gun. .
Odds are higher that if you try to use your gun to protect yourself the perp will kill you than you successfully defending yourself..
Most of the time when a gun is used against anybody it is on the owner by the owner.
Yeah, guns are great. The suicide part is ok by me.
You should sit in on a woman's CCW group and listen to some of their stories. It's not only sad but extremely scary how many guys are just wackos.
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