Clinton Foundations Money Laundering scams exposed in depth.

You have it all wrong UncleBunk. I want you to win. Whenever you libs get what you want my investments increase exponentially. Anxiously awaiting the min wage increase, hope it's $20.


looks like it bubbled when reagan was in office. settled to its normal level with bill clinton in office, and is currently experiencing another bubble that will leave you with worthless rocks on your hands.

you clearly have no coherent argument to make, ever.

you are as worthless as your trailer.

looks like it bubbled when reagan was in office. settled to its normal level with bill clinton in office, and is currently experiencing another bubble that will leave you with worthless rocks on your hands.

you clearly have no coherent argument to make, ever.

you are as worthless as your trailer.

Your scope is as limited as your tired ass rhetoric.

why are you such an ignorant cunt?

"One of the most difficult things to learn when growing up is that anyone who is older than you is wiser and more experienced "

You are a fucking idiot. modding a cannabis site is definitely the extent of your abilities huh?


Hey you, clueless punkass with zero life experience...psssst, come closer....closer still.....
Here's a nice look into the money laundering machine the Clinton Foundation & how they've filed false audits,which allowed Hillary & Bill Clinton to skim hundreds of millions from the fake charity,the money skimmed is over & above the massive CEO type salaries & fees paid to staff .

A damn good case of charity fraud has been made.

It took a 15 month in depth investigation to find these crimes ,I'm betting the talking heads that read nothing spend 15 seconds reading the header before they shift blame & topic :lol:
no for real man. let's see your 10 foot monsters.

I drove my "ten foot monster" down your mom's throat, does that count for anything? It sure did when I flipped her over on her back -- YOU were born nine months later! (I pleaded with her to opt for an abortion, but alas, she saw you to full term, sigh....)
Here's a nice look into the money laundering machine the Clinton Foundation & how they've filed false audits,which allowed Hillary & Bill Clinton to skim hundreds of millions from the fake charity,the money skimmed is over & above the massive CEO type salaries & fees paid to staff .

A damn good case of charity fraud has been made.

download (92).jpeg
I've known most these idiots since they joined ,i know they will never acknowledge any facts,these guys are also in favor of heavily censoring media & internet , I enjoy sticking establishment corruption in their faces & watching them yell about everything except the topic .

You are a saint. I have not the patience nor the stomach to deal with such degraded trash ; at this level.
You are a saint. I have not the patience nor the stomach to deal with such degraded trash ; at this level.

A "saint", eh? I can see that you really enjoy bottoming for nazi rapists!


Do your thing, kid -- pan_enema's got a lot to show you, pay close attention!