Clinic bud seeds


Active Member

Im new to growing and the fourm. I got dome "day dream" at the clinic and found 3 seeds in the buds. One seed I rushed and just planted in the soil and put it under my 18" florescent fish tank light about 5" above. Its the 3rd day today of pure 3 days light and I haven't seen any sprouts. Do you think it will still grow okay?:leaf:

Today, I put a second seed in a damp paper towel then put a little water in a jar, put the paper towel in the jar sealed it and put it in a drawer. I was thinking in 3 days i'll plant it.:leaf:

Any suggestions?
Does it sound like im starting out well?:leaf:

Thanks for the help.:bigjoint:


Active Member
I like the paper towel germination method myself, as its the only thing that seems to get the results I want. I would stick with that as its easier to deal with for a new grower. Once you get it to sprout a taproot use tweezers to drop it in some soil and cover it lightly with soil and water carefully and you should be fine. If your only using a single fluorescent tube dont expect too much but you could definitely get it closer to the plant, around 1-2" above your new sprout when it pops out the soil. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I love the paper towel method. It just takes a few days to pop out of the dirt .just dont over water .or use any nutes for the first few weeks .go get some 26 watt cfls there cheap at wall mart 6500k veg....2700 flower...happy growing


Active Member
CFL's will be better for you or if you have a little more money to spend you can go with T-5's. I recently made the change after a buddy of mine showed me the difference between those and the T-8's I was using and I haven't looked back since. They are great for veg/clones and I have even found people on rollitup who use it to flower although the results are nowhere near the kind of yields you can expect from a good HPS system, but well cheaper than one if money is an issue.