I stand by the statement that (marijuana) unequivocally saved my life. It certainly hasn't cured the depression, but well the best way i can put it in few words is that i really allows me to introspectively question and examine my life without heavy negative emotions

It has been one of my main angers with regard to it's illegal nature, it saved my life, fact, so as far as the governemnt care, there is no medical use, they would rather i had died than broken the law. Who is anyone to tell me how i can or cannot tend to my ailments.
This is how I've felt. Exactly. If I had come by that post with my name instead of TTT's I would have thought that it was one that I had forgotten about writing.
One of my goals with my medical marijuana campaign is to make marijuana a first choice option for doctors to prescribe for depression. In our unending experience with a disease, that while depressed I would swap for the final day of a depression free terminal disease, it becomes so incredibly evident that marijuana is the one drug that can offer immediate, lasting, addiction free pain relief to virtually every depressive that uses it as medication. And the walking medical databases (doctors) haven't been able to download the simple logic from from the central medical computer because the information in that computer is controlled by the fucking hippie-nazis in government.
And the hippie-nazis in government control the people who should control them - the hippie-masses. Close minded slovenly troglodytes who can't get their act together to make simple changes to benefit everyone - including the hippie-nazis. Us, we ARE the hippie masses, you and I. And that realization drives me to the same hopelessness as the deepest depression.
If we cannot bind together as a community to do something so simple as entice some weak minded hippie like Dr Greenthumb to improve his seed bank operation then we may as well just all pack it in and wait for the hippie-nazis to send their mindless DEA drones to our door.
I want to get Doc to do one simple thing for the medical marijuana community - give away one free seed, that he randomly pics up off his grow room floor instead of sweeping it up and throwing it away - and give that seed FOR FREE to anyone who prints out a Dr Greenthumb Seed Breeder Collectable Trading Card. We get the free seed and get to make fun of a thin skinned hippie while he thanks us through smiling gritted teeth, Doc gets both awareness of his business and immediate sales - CASH - the hippie panacea. Should be easy - everybody wins. Why isn't it happening?
If we cannot get together to make simple changes within our community - for the benefit of all parties involved - marijuana will stay illegal until some random winds of change briefly bring the illusion of sanity to the world before we let it all be torn away from us again. If you want marijuana to be legal some day simple do this:
- Copy the paragraph bolded and in quotations directly below
- click on the link to my Dr Greenthumb - The Dope - thread
- paste the paragraph into the text box and click "Post Quick Reply"
You are my people. Of all the posts in all the marijuana forums across the internet - when I read the posts in this thread I understand that I am not the only person who is going through this disease with a blindfold finally half off. I read your posts and I see the story of my life in every one - if we cannot get together to help one person to improve his business - to make himself more money, to bring potential customers to his web site and keep them there, to help others without costing himself a penny - we will continue to make our medicine in the shadows and we have doomed millions to suffer fully blindfolded.
I'm in the process of writing an ebook for new growers to help them get to their first harvest and to make portable medicine from that harvest - there are pictorials from seed germination to making sublingual tincture - but I cannot get the moderators to even let me edit my old posts to make the thread more acessable for new growers. It took me 11 months from finding that there were online marijuana cultivation forum to making my fist harvest because my mind was too destroyed by this disease to make a coherent system of what dozens of helpful growers were telling me through the forums.
The sick need a timeline guide for: selecting strains and ordering seeds; to making tincture or a simple vaporizer if they cannot afford to. Weed Science is free for anyone who wants to download it, it's not finished and perhaps never will be, but there are 1000+ pages of pictorials, music videos, Philisophicals (posters) that I have written with the medical patient in mind. And even on a marijuana forum with a medical sub forum I cannot get the hippy moderators to let me organize a thread so the information is more accesable for new growers.
If this is all we are we are doomed, we have to become more than this. PLEASE!!!! Copy and paste the paragraph to the Dr Greenthumb thread, take 9 seconds and give me some feedback to let me know if I'm banging my head against the fucking wall for no reason. For the right people (those suffering) but against the wrong wall (marijuana).
Dr Greenthumb
I will not consider buying seeds from your website until you:
1. Offer 1 free 'Mystery X' (floor) seed with every order accompanied by a Dr Greenthumb Seed Breeder Collectable Card
2. Post this offer on your web site
3. Post Hobbes' avatar with the offer
This offer will cost you nothing but the effort to bend down and pick a random seed from your floor and will create interest in your excellent breeding as well as your thin skinned nature. Hippie.
Thank You
Protest!: Dr Greenthumb free Mystery X seed for Seed Breeder Collectable.
If a few people from this thread will post in Doc's thread I'll know that the message is reaching a someone and I'll develop it to expand into a thread of it's own. Doc's strain are world class, The Dope is neck and neck with Jack The Ripper as the most potent strain in my garden. His business practices are impeccable, he's just a thin skinned hippie so I like to fuck with him.
I make no money, get no free seeds for this. I have sent Doc $225 for the free The Dope seeds that he sent me because taking freebies doesn't fit with the philosophy that I am building for The Academy, a project that will transfer our marijuana growing skills to edible vegetables for women refuges caring for children - the people who are hardest hit by suffering. You can learn to grow a bucket of corn in your grow room, then transfer those skills to someone over the internet - in a community centre in a developing nation - just as you do here for new growers.
Some Marijuana growers will teach the hungry to feed themselves, even if the process requires my blood to live. Just as we all have had no choice but to live with the pain of depression these people have to suffer for the same reason - apathy, ignorance, hippies. Needless suffering.
I have over a quarter million views on threads in this forum, threads that the forum owners make money from per view clicks; threads that will be clicked more often if the readers can access the information more readily; - if you are a hippie just browsing our thread this means that the forum owners make more money by letting me do more work that helps other people while costing them nothing. And it's free to both parties - weather the new growers or the forum owners understand the material or not.
I've spent hundreds of hours expanding DJ Shorts Spectrum Of Effects article into a report for medical patients (Jack The Ripper link, bottom of each of my posts) - I can't get a single seed bank or breeder to list a pdf form on their sites so medical patients can save and edit Spectrum reports so other medial patients can pick the strains that will help to relieve their suffering. I made the reports, I'll do or pay for the web site work, the growers/med patients will fill out the reports and growers will read the reports to make better informed seed purchases. The seedbanks make more money; it cost them nothing; they help people. Apathy - the title song in the hippie anthem.
How can one ignore something that will help others while costing them nothing. I do not understand the world we live in. I've spent my life coping with constant, unending, eternal pain - and when I finally find and make a medicine that will allow me to enjoy life I find that I live in a world of insanity. A world that doesn't follow the simple logic that if something benefits everyone and costs no one anything than perhaps we should just go with the