Think it was more of a reference to work.Digging graves?
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"You dug yourself into this hole now dig yourself out"
Think it was more of a reference to work.Digging graves?
Not the answer I was looking for
no! Fixing stuff.Digging graves?
Not the answer I was looking for
I'm committed to my next car being an EV. Looking to buy a 2025 model around 2028(dependent on how long my fit last, and if I choose to pay off my wife's car early ((4yrs left))I think by 2030 EVs will be affecting the gasoline markets globally, but more oil can be refined into diesel and jet fuel instead of gasoline. I think by 2035 the power utilities will feel the effects of the growing number of prosumers, people and businesses who make and store their own power while hooked up to the grid and they will want a deal.
Using a single source of energy for home and transport that they can generate themselves, should be attractive to many people, provided the benefits are in line with the costs. Even if it is a small system that only offsets their electric bill for their transportation costs, some panels on the garage with a cheap sodium battery as part of an EV home solar recharging kit.
The two biggest factors involved in our transition away from fossil fuels will be solar and batteries, we are there with solar as the cheapest form of power generation and well on our way with cheap batteries that should steadily improve over time. There will be other forms of power generation, but solar should dominate for most of the human population and battery storage will make any form of energy generation more efficient.
Solid State EV Battery Rises Up As Oil Money Gap Looms
The oil-killing solid-state EV battery of the future will put the squeeze on oil for transportation, but the petrochemicals problem
According to the EIA, the growth of the petrochemical sector is supporting the demand for oil. Transportation, not so much.
IEA reported that, “the use of oil for transport fuels is set to go into decline after 2026 as the expansion of electric vehicles, the growth of biofuels and improving fuel economy reduce consumption.”
I was looking at an EV at the beginning of the year, but there was a two-year waiting list, it was too expensive and cold weather performance was not good enough for Canada yet, but soon. Also, they were not making many small cheap compact EVs, just huge kilowatt guzzlers for the wealthy early adopters.I'm committed to my next car being an EV. Looking to buy a 2025 model around 2028(dependent on how long my fit last, and if I choose to pay off my wife's car early ((4yrs left))
My research has told me that Evs are improving at about 15% every 2 years in terms of range, charge times, cost. Not hard data just the feel I get form checking the market of what I can afford every 3-4months for the past 18.
Charging availability will get a huge up grade in 2025 as many automakers will have their stand build set up to use both N.amarican standard and tesla charge station.
Basically the feeling I get is that if you bought a 2022 ICE model and drive it for a decade you will be dumb to replace it with a ICE car in 2033.
By 2035 we will have 500mile range EVs making 220hp with a MPGe of 130 rapid charge times of 10 minutes 240v in 3hr and 120v in 5hr being sold for 40k USD(Adjusted of inflation)
Going solar for anyhome owner with sufficient sunlight is already a no brainer from an accounting stand point, and will only get better.
At the end of the day it's all about the batteries. The are progressing at a every faster rate then EVs, solar panels, smart grids, micro grids and such. the only real question is how good will they get? What dose fully developed energy storage tech do? The laws of physics put a known limit on efficiency (we have not meet it yet) but we are nowhere close(and never will be)to knowing the limiting factors of chemistry !
Flow and iron-based batteries are good for base load, but don't react to fluctuations in demand and are supplemented with Li-ion batteries for this now. They are starting to use super capacitors with them however and it vastly improves their performance when it comes to variations in load. Maybe the floor and foundation of the storage facility could also serve as a capacitor as would any large concrete structures nearby. I think super caps will be the primary solution for grid fluctuations along with some form of cheap battery chemistry like sodium or zinc. They might also be useful to stabilize the power in battery systems supporting fast charge stations for EVs.Concrete supercapacitors? Imagine construction using this for everything made after 2030.
New Breakthrough in Energy Storage – MIT Engineers Create Supercapacitor out of Ancient Materials
Constructed from cement, carbon black, and water, the device holds the potential to offer affordable and scalable energy storage for renewable energy sources. Two of humanity's most ubiquitous historical materials, cement and carbon black (which resembles very fine charcoal), may form the basis
Lots of things can wipe out our global civilization and cause the deaths of billions, besides our own folly, here is one possibility. Wipe out the grid, communications and transport planet wide and what would be the result? We live in a cashless society these days and are more dependent on technology than ever before, all of it could be wiped out in an instant and we would be instantly back in the 19th century, but without the means or methods to support ourselves.
Largest Ever Solar Storm Identified in Ancient Tree Rings – Could Devastate Modern Technology and Cost Billions
Scientists discovered a radiocarbon spike 14,300 years ago, caused by the largest known solar storm. Such an event today could devastate modern technology and cost billions. An international team of scientists discovered a huge spike in radiocarbon levels 14,300 years ago by analyzing ancient