Clearing up the Fox Farm feeding schedules

I’m a first time grower. Just wanted to mention that I used ff trio with my outdoor girls. It came with a feeding schedule that is 1/4th the amount of Big Bloom. The schedule says 3 teaspoons per gallon where the bottle says 4 tablespoons. Somewhere in the middle seems perfect. They responded ok with less and not well with more. Perfect with in-between. So excited!! 9 days till flushing is complete and they look amazing!

Thanks, Annie. It makes perfect sense to me, and what I've been thinking. Next year, I'll know better before I start :clap:
I’m running Fox Farm and following their schedule to the T. I’m using their nutes called out on their Happy Frog feeding schedule for my babies which are planted in Happy Frog, and I’m using the soil schedule for my babies planted in my coco/perlite/earthworm casting mix.
So far I’ve noticed that the soil I mixed on my own drains water better than the Happy Frog soil. My coco plants also have stalks twice the size of my HF soil plants.
When using HF soil in conjunction with Fox Farm nutes some strains may not handle the full strength called out in the HF feeding schedule as the HF soil has some nutes in it already. Less is better.
I find the my coco mix can handle full strength nutes and have been doing so since seedling.
I flush as the schedules states and haven’t had any issues.
I water in between my feedings and my plants need either water or food every 2 days. I give nutes twice per week and water on the other days.
You should always PH your water!
The PPM count shown in Fox Farm feeding schedule is way high. Trying to follow this will surely result in burnt plants. Stick to the schedule and PH. Best of luck!