cleaning your bowl


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine gave me a bubbler he deemed un cleanable.. so i took it off his hands to see if i could clean it.. i guess he let it sit in hydrogen peroxide for a couple days. now it has a permanent smell of hydrogen peroxide and it almost looks to have stained the glass.. any ideas on how to get rid of the smell?
what kind of dumbass is your friend? :dunce: hydrogen peroxide... really?


Well-Known Member
I can't remember if peroxide is polar or nonpolar . . .

whichever it is, you need to take whatever is most like it. if it's non-polar you use a non-polar liquid. if it's polar I'd try boiling it with water and it might kill the scent.

either way, chemistry it the only way you're going to get close to getting rid of a hydrogen peroxide smell.

if it seems permanent it's probably a polar molecule, as glass is polar and that would make sense for the smell staying.
in which case, water is polar so boiling should work.

edit: hydrogen peroxide has little or no solubility in water, so alcohol + salt or some other non-polar solvent should work.