cleaning your bowl


Active Member
I have always used salt and rubbing alcohol which works pretty well.

Anyone got other ideas that work better?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
There are some comercially produced cleaners but salt and alchohol works well enough on its own. And its cheap.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Pipe cleaners come in really handy. If I've got one that is really bad resined up(is resined a word), I'll just submerge the pipe under alchohol and let it soak for a few hours.


Active Member
Thanks...I always liked using salt and alch cuz the salt wont dissolve and it scrubs up pretty nice. plus i loooove cheap


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just use alcohol and salt. Works great, i ususally leave it in the solution for about an hour or two.

Does boiling the peice in just stragit water work as well? I have never tried that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just use alcohol and salt. Works great, i ususally leave it in the solution for about an hour or two.

Does boiling the peice in just stragit water work as well? I have never tried that.
boiling your pieces will get them spotless. the key to to use something to get most of the big chunks out. i like doing it a couple times in a row because it works best when your pipe has just a little left on it.


Well-Known Member
boiling your pieces will get them spotless. the key to to use something to get most of the big chunks out. i like doing it a couple times in a row because it works best when your pipe has just a little left on it.
it works well but it's a big risk unless you're very careful. the risk of cracking any of my pieces puts alcohol + salt in front of boiling any day. I can do just as good of a job with alch + salt as I could with boiling (though boiling would be way less work to be honest.)


Well-Known Member
it works well but it's a big risk unless you're very careful. the risk of cracking any of my pieces puts alcohol + salt in front of boiling any day. I can do just as good of a job with alch + salt as I could with boiling (though boiling would be way less work to be honest.)

hmm yeah thats true. I think im going to only use that way on my metal pieces like my pipe


Well-Known Member
it works well but it's a big risk unless you're very careful. the risk of cracking any of my pieces puts alcohol + salt in front of boiling any day. I can do just as good of a job with alch + salt as I could with boiling (though boiling would be way less work to be honest.)
as long as you put the piece in the water before you heat it up and do it slowly i dont think its really too bad. ive done it with some pretty thin glass and its been fine. ive heard it weakens the glass but ive heard the same for alcohol and salt. ive also heard of alcohol leaving a residue that either can or can not be washed off. i dunno how true any of these are. honestly i have used both methods and they both work really well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just use alcohol and salt. Works great, i ususally leave it in the solution for about an hour or two.

Does boiling the peice in just stragit water work as well? I have never tried that.
there's no point in soaking your piece in alcohol+salt. you need to shake it for the salt to make a difference. though soaking the piece in alcohol also works really well for almost no effort.


Active Member
nail polish remover takes everything off with only a little bit.. its crazy how fast it works and a bottle is only like 75 cents, i cleaned mine real well after with soap and water just to be safe.. not sure if theres anything in the remover that could harm you, im fine though :)


Well-Known Member
or so your say your fine.... wat type of alcohol ( not liquor) and i know rubbing but does it have to be anything specific concetration


New Member
i let all my down stems and bowl pieces and ash catchers sit in hot water for like 10 mins or pour hot water in my bongs for 10 mins this helps loosen all the resin and smoke gunk up then i pour the water out but salt and 90 % iso rubbing alcohol if u can find the 90 % it works better then the 70 % then i plug all the holes with my hands/fingers and shake and everything comes out super clean i also clean my stuff 1-2 times a week then after i rinse out the rubbing alcohol and salt i rinse it with a lil bit of scope mouthwash to give it a fresh scent

Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
a friend of mine gave me a bubbler he deemed un cleanable.. so i took it off his hands to see if i could clean it.. i guess he let it sit in hydrogen peroxide for a couple days. now it has a permanent smell of hydrogen peroxide and it almost looks to have stained the glass.. any ideas on how to get rid of the smell?