Cleaning out my grinder

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
So ive had this grinder for over a year now.. i always empty out the keif when i wanna add a nice topping or roll a resin ball in it, well i was getting all the keif out and ive always had this blackish/dark greenish paste kinda shit forming in the lid around the sides and its also in the grooves where to lid screws on. So is this stuff just pressed keif? its been there for awhile and i just scraped it all off and got a good little ball of it. So is it like Pressed Keif Hash or w/e? Its really dark green after ive scraped it off. It almost looked black before i scraped it off.


Well-Known Member
iv always wondered this, my grinder is clogged with it aswell, but the best method for cleaning out kief is using a soft make-up brush, think mines for eyeliners or something but works a treat and gets in all the tight spots etc. :)

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Yeah i usually beat the shit out of mine till the keif loosens up. then use a paper clip and in a scratching motion knock all the keif down into a pile.

Yeah but i just loaded a bowl with resin ball rolled around in keif and i got all that green gunk scraped out and put it on top so im about to spark that right now..

i still think this is pressed hash of some sort just made over time. idk.


Well-Known Member
the darker it is the less keefy it is.

think about hashish vs oil, the best hash is the most blonde, and oil, well oil is dark because it is full of chlorophyll and other contaminants/plant matter.
that stuff you are referring to is just plant matter, i would consider it as valuble as pipe resin, it'll get you high, but it's not great

i too have a grinder and when i clean it out i put it the freezer for about 2 hrs then i take it out and bang the shit out of it on my counter top. all the gold keef is banged out and the i just wash out all the dark stuff that is stuck around the top

haha but either way let us know how it smokes!

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
the darker it is the less keefy it is.

think about hashish vs oil, the best hash is the most blonde, and oil, well oil is dark because it is full of chlorophyll and other contaminants/plant matter.
that stuff you are referring to is just plant matter, i would consider it as valuble as pipe resin, it'll get you high, but it's not great

i too have a grinder and when i clean it out i put it the freezer for about 2 hrs then i take it out and bang the shit out of it on my counter top. all the gold keef is banged out and the i just wash out all the dark stuff that is stuck around the top

haha but either way let us know how it smokes!
Ty for the info.

I just finished the bowl. Im glad i put it on top of the Resin/keif covered ball cause it like you said is like pipe resin, it melted and bubbled so i smoked it slow so it melted around the res ball and it took longer then i expected to finish it. I am feeling kinda stoney though. Yeah ima let that crap build up again still is nice just to have something else to top a bowl with every once and while (:

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
the darker it is the less keefy it is.

think about hashish vs oil, the best hash is the most blonde, and oil, well oil is dark because it is full of chlorophyll and other contaminants/plant matter.
that stuff you are referring to is just plant matter, i would consider it as valuble as pipe resin, it'll get you high, but it's not great

i too have a grinder and when i clean it out i put it the freezer for about 2 hrs then i take it out and bang the shit out of it on my counter top. all the gold keef is banged out and the i just wash out all the dark stuff that is stuck around the top

haha but either way let us know how it smokes!
Ty for the freezer idea. I put a bottle of stems in the freezer for 5 minutes then took it out and banged a bunch of keif out. Redid the process 3 times and each time the same amount of keif came out.. haha but now barely anything coming out but i got a good .5-6 of Keif now (: And all the stems were from dankkkkkk :D


i use a tooth pick and a razor blade to scrape mine out. From my experience, everything you put into the grinder is bud, therefore everything you take out of the grinder is bud. So to answer your original question, yes all that green gunk is just pressed and collected kief from every inch of your grinder. Scrape it all, smoke it all, and be blazed XD.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You could rinse it in a small bowl filled with water, let the water settle for a few hours, siphon off the water until a few mm and then let it dry out. Water doesn't absorb the trichomes so when the water evaporates your left with trichomes.

And the green pressed shit is just super compressed plant matter.