Cleaning Intake Air Coming From Outside


Well-Known Member
If any of you guys draw your intake air from outside your home what do you use to filter it before it goes into your tent to avoid bringing any pathogens or insects into your home/tent?


Well-Known Member
There's no screen on my window, there's a piece of wood with 2 holes sawed in it to accommodate the exhaust fan and intake fan.


Well-Known Member
I use a piece of farbic I bought at walmart, it is the same consistencies as a butterfly net.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
If your drawing from outside you want a furnace filter at least. Preferably a HEPA and a furnace filter. Pollen will go right through panty hose.


Well-Known Member
I have some MERV12 furnace filter I cut and use for these DIY intake's I've made but can't get to a hardware store to buy the 6" flange required (we are on lockdown and curbside pickup is like 1-2 off). I'll try using that I just dunno how to uh cut and fasten it to the ducting.