Clean your bowls!


Active Member
So I just cleaned my oldest piece, which is three years old (always joints and blunts before that) and I have to say...if you aren't cleaning your bowls, you need to.

This piece was green and blue when I purchased it with the blue glass being transparent. Over time, the bowl part became green and black but I didn't really notice because it's always hit pretty well. I can't believe how much tar and ashy shit came pouring out of the pipe; it took me over an hour to get completely clean. I just kept saying to myself "this is some foul shit..."

I wish I had a before/after picture, but that stuff just can't be good for your health. This doesn't apply to bongs and bowls which sorta stop working if they get too clogged.

Now it hits very cleanly. The taste is so much better.
I clean my pieces biweekly and smoking is so much more enjoyable! I clean my pieces with 91% rubbing alcohol and kosher salt as an abrasive and it works great(for glass pieces).
i use salt and rubbing alchol to clean my bong. its amazing just pour the rubbing alcohol and salt in, shake and watch the funk disappear. give a good rinse with water after and its like brand new. nothing hits quite like a fresh peice.bongsmilie
It took that solution (alcohol + salt) as well as hot water for all that time, plus a few pokey metal instruments to dislodge and break up the larger chunks.
I can't stand smoking out of a piece that isn't cleaned regularly, like ATLEAST a couple times a week if it's being used daily.

Who wants their sweet tasting bud to be covered up by the taste/smell of old ass resin?
use kosher salt, not just regular table salt. it's a much larger grain and works alot better imo.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm deliciousnesss lol

man.. i had a 5 and half foot long bong (Gigantoke). A 1 foot acrylic bong put together with a 4 and half foot long PVC pipe. It was great in it's day but has been incredibly dirty for a while now.

i managed to get the two apart a bit ago. But not before a good 45 min of some ripping,tearing, & scrubbin'.. at least anywayss. And i had no alcohol so i tried using some vodka... hahh.. worked all right-ish

but straight acrylic bong's are convenient to clean.. just take off the bottom plastic cap and bam
how much salt are we talking about when you say pour in some? Do you fill it half way up or something? I just ordered a roor 250 and want to keep it clean.
how much salt are we talking about when you say pour in some? Do you fill it half way up or something? I just ordered a roor 250 and want to keep it clean.

you only have to put about a half inch in the bottom of a bong, maybe even less and then shake it to use it as an abrasive to take the resin off the sides, the higher the concentration of alcohol the better....that is what really makes the difference, if you water it down it will not work as good
Yall are nasty! Take all this time to grow ur smoke, baby it, love it, dry it, cure it. Then disrespect it like that? Boy. Go. Get. My. BELT! J/k
I clean my shit ALL the time, I actually should clean my pipe, thanks for reminding me
I clean mine often, but not as often as I probably should be; maybe 3-4 times a year. So, how does this alcohol/salt solution work with pipes? You can't shake them in something, right? How should I go about doing it? I used to boil mine til I figured out it's more effective and less time consuming to hold it under scalding hot running water (wearing dishwashing gloves of course). But this sounds like it will work better. I've used a lemon juice/salt solution for cleaning various things before, so I know how well it works. But the items I cleaned with that mixture were things you put in a jar and shake. Can't imagine that being good for glass pipes.
I clean my shit ALL the time, I actually should clean my pipe, thanks for reminding me

Yeah, mine's overdue for a cleaning. I just took pix of it the other day, and I was pretty embarrassed to show it. It's a double shame because the piece itself is so pretty.

Rubbing alch is Kryptonite. Salt works as a abrasive to get it off, while the Alco loosens. Works great. I wouldnt lie to you. Also, CHEAP!:)