CLEAN ROOM DESIGN Dope ass 3000 watt hps~~Medical Oregon

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hmm wish i new allot about the co2 all the positives and negatives hopefully every one can throw there two cents in on it.

I have read and heard co2 is a really good to have for nice dense colas (that's what i am going for). It is expensive around 300 for the Tank C02 setup .... but then if you want to monitor it the co2 monitiors are expensive to, theres allot of different kinds. So it adds up real quick for a setup but its supposed to be really worth it in the long run.

Right now i just hooked up my co2 setup,installed all the 1/4 tubing and valves...... i want to get the c02 tank setup someday hahaha so i just planned for it later where it was going to go and all then i will wait longer to get a monitor to..........for now i am just going with the DIY co2 mixture and i might get the co2 air tester for 20 ..... tell i can save some money, a few harvest should do the trick.


Active Member
Nice! Subscribed, I'll be around for sure.

...2 1000watts @ 12inches form the bottom of the glass. The back of your hand can stay touching the glass with no burn.
Really? I'm in a much different climate and my light isn't ducted as well but it's only 400 watts and I can't really touch mine at all. Can I get some input on this please? (thumb photos) Would having a fresh air intake change my heat issues dramatically? I have a 175 cfm can fan (but not can, it's the oracle one). It sits just outside the closet about two feet from the light, and is ducted to it. I used to have ducting from the fan to a hole in the wall and out onto my porch, but smell was out of hand, so now I just trap the hot air in another section of the closet, which by some sort of magic hasn't effected heat much. It doesn't have a fresh intake though. It just pulls from the inside of the grow area. I wanna put an intake pulling air from my bedroom and have the exhaust still trapped in my closet. Would that work? Or would I have to exhaust outside again? The goal is to be able to keep the tent closed during light hours sometimes, so I can leave for a few days and such. Any other suggestions are very welcome too, from all. Sorry to thread jack, you are just so happily descriptive. Makes you seem like the perfect person to ask.

P.S. The white ducting spliced to the exhaust comes from my dryer. It's not spliced anymore and the fan is near the roof on a shelf. Exhaust just empties to the closet space there. Sorry, rambling, just trying to get the most informed opinion possible. Thx


Plants are day 3 of flowering, resting just under a foot from the 1000 watt glass above. I wonder if you can put a 1000 watt to close, closer than 12 inches? , even with temps under 79? what u think?
From everything I've read and heard, as long as you don't burn plants, you can and should get the light as close as possible. No such thing as too much light.

Looking good man.... i will be watching .....was wondering if you have a hard time raising your lights ?? been working on my light setup and got a few ideas from others .......... put my lights on a pulley setup, LacyLePlant has a nice setup, he used a bike pulley setup just wanted to share

This is sick. Excellent design my friend.



Well-Known Member
Hey good buddy---one of the best things to do is put your light string on a mover.

You can move at least three 1Ks, air cooled, on a mover.



Well-Known Member
Hey good buddy---one of the best things to do is put your light string on a mover.

You can move at least three 1Ks, air cooled, on a mover.

I am interested to what kind of mover you are talking about. Moving (3) 1ks in relfectors with ducting would be something to proud of. I dont have my 1k on a mover cooled yet because of no problems(had the light within 10" of canopy) and the money. Ducting in my space would be a vast project. When I can I will of course pick up a vortex fan, and get her coolin
You have to have fresh air. Your Buds look nice but I can tell that when they dry they will be airy. Put temp gauge above your tallest plant, because that is the most important place to know the temperature. and adjust air and everything else from there. another subject, I dont care for light movers. better to have concentrated light beaming all over the plant, I feel


Well-Known Member
Yea, I hear what your saying. I have never used one before, and have a friend who swears by his. Figured I would give it a whirl. Why would they be airy? No concentration of light? 1000w makes a 5X5 foot print I figured, and its moving 6 feet. The flowering room is 7' by 6' (light moving the 7' length) there is a signifigant over lap of light. I have a light meter and even with the light the furtherst from one end, the plant on the end is still getting signifigant light.
Thanks, because I don't want airy buds. I have heard of some stuff that condenses them, maybe will try on a plant or too


Well-Known Member
Looking good man.... i will be watching .....was wondering if you have a hard time raising your lights ?? been working on my light setup and got a few ideas from others .......... put my lights on a pulley setup, LacyLePlant has a nice setup, he used a bike pulley setup just wanted to share

Dang Hulk thats BADASS!!!!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I just found the thread, LacyLePlant built that setup.

Was trying to find a easy way to raise the lights, found a thread along time ago trying to find it agian i found LacyLePlants thread and that sick setup, i made my own small one for just one light i love it works great no more chains wooo hooo :bigjoint:

offthesidewalk - hows the temps and humdity in the room ?? Everything looking good ??