Clean on the job?

Juan Goinonable

Active Member
Has anyone tested the urine cleaners? How do they work and how long does it take to clean your system? What is the best way to pass a test?
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Well-Known Member
use water pills and drink cranberry juice like as much as humanly possible, within a week or less you should be clean, always worked for me, i used to sit and drink cranberry juice by the fricken gallon, so ye, thats the only method i kno of for passing a piss test...


Well-Known Member
get those drinks at GNC. a few of my buddies used them and tested clean.
what they did:
drank the urine drink (dont ask me the name because i forget which one)
drank however much water it says to drink immediately after. i think its something like 1/2 a gallon or a gallon. not very much considering 1/2 a gallon is close to the amount of water you should intake daily anyways.
and they also drank a thing of cranberry juice just to be extra sure about it.

seemed to work. not sure if the drink actually did anything, but hey never hurts to be extra careful!


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to any of the above if its for a good job or probation. Check NORML's website, they suggest dehydrated urine. Quickfix is a synthetic urine, make sure you follow the directions and use two heat packs instead of just the one they give you. Good luck.


Active Member
I've never heard of a urine cleanser that worked and wouldn't use them. I quit two weeks before and drink about a gal of liquid (green tea (1/2 quart), water (3 quarts), cranberry juice (1/2 quart). This worked for me of course because I had the luxury of time, last time.


Well-Known Member
Urine cleansers are hit or miss. Basically the make you flush lots of water and then replace the creatinine that you lost. Go with clean pee (rehydrated or synthetic) and don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
I knew a guy in high school that would use one kind everytime before his piss test for the po pos, and he came up clean every time. I don't remember the brand, and I wouldn't want to test it myself.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the best way to pass a piss test is to flush before the test, just drink water by the gallon until your piss is clear, if its for probation they will say its diluted but you can cover that up by taking creatine, thats what they measure in the piss to see if you have been flushing, when you do the water flush it wont clear your system completly but it will dilute your piss so much that they cant tell whats in it, as far as the masking stuff goes i had the lab call me and say i was dirty and that i used tommy chongs so i lost faith in that stuff, but with water i survived 13 months of parole with just water, and if clear piss freaks you out eat 5-6 centrum vitamins and it willl give it some color


Well-Known Member
Had to take a piss test for a job and bought Urine Luck on eBay. Smoked roughly 2 days before the test. The day before, I was on tons of fluids (Water and Cranberry) and constantly pissed like I had been drinking liquor. The day of the test, my first 2-3 piss' of the day went into the toilet. Went to take the piss test with the small vials of Urine Luck tucked in my boxer briefs and took the the test. I passed the test and GOT THE JOB! This was one of the test that they send it out to get tested, not the on-the-spot result kind. Though I hear that everyone from Comcast to Walmart are doing same day result screenings now. I am curios to know about Quick Fix though and plan on buying some this week!