Clay pebbles on top of soil??

Hi. I’ve got a few girls in 5 gallon buckets outdoors with soil. They are doing great. I was wondering if I could put clay pebbles, like hydraton, on top of the soil to prevent squirrels from burying stuff in in the buckets . Every morning and evening I find myself filling holes they have dug in the soil to bury nuts, or whatever.
Definitely. Helps stop the top from drying out. Same idea as putting egg shells with your plants to prevent slugs from killing your stuff. The egg shells are too sharp
Thank you! I assumed the clay pebbles might not work. But the chicken wire or hot peppers would work way better. I hear them laughing at me up in the trees while I’m refilling the soil. Ha!
I have this same problem. There must be several families of squirrels that live near me. I use road gravel in plants and trees. It keeps them out but you need about 3-4" coverage. Been using it for years now.
I have a bad squirrel problem too and my dogs can back me up on that. I upgraded my tent this year and so I cut my old tent up into pieces and fed the plants through a hole and covered with a light bit of soil on top of that. So far, it has been working out great for me, and I would of kept the old tent if my poles didn’t rust and break on me.