Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.


Active Member
Hello, looking for a bit of help with some plants that are just over 3 weeks into veg.
On the new growth the tips are clawing and the leaves are drooping a lot.
This is affecting both of the strains, Chemdog and Kosher Tangie.

I am currently using:
Watering once a week, when tubs are light.
90W - UFO LED - 24Hours (now gone at time of posting 18/6)
Canna Coco Coir Professional
2ML/1L - Grow Magic Oldtimers (organic) - 8-2-2
0.25ML/1L - Grow Magic Cal/Mag
~6.5ph (using chemical indicator)

I have constant airflow and the light is around a foot away from the top of the plants.
Not completely sure on humidity as I have nothing to measure that with currently.

Sorry about the picture quality, my camera isn't the best and the bulb blew after the first shot, just my luck!


Thank you for all of the help.


Active Member
it's about room temperature at the moment. And I have been waiting until it dries out before watering. I thought perhaps it was too much N? So I have flshed them tonight, put them in 18/6 in an attempt to help them perk up.


Well-Known Member
When I read your title I was thinking N tox as well, but after seeing the pics I don't think it is that, it's hard to tell if your leaf tips are burned though. But that isn't the normal clawing that a N tox would give. N tox will claw just the tips badly and eventually they will turn into a upside down taco shape. You're temps are fine if at room temp, are you letting the soil get dry to the point that when you pick up the pot it is damn near weightless? It could be a drainage problem causing the overwatering. The top could be dry but it could be very wet at the bottom. You're soil looks rather heavy


Well-Known Member
What kind of pots are these in and what size. Being a small plants overwatering could be the issue. The top portion feels dry or looks dry when in fact the bottom half of the soil is still very moist. I have had this happen when I've put smaller plants into larger pots. Put your finger in the drainage holes check for moisture


Well-Known Member
Is it just the 2 under that ufo n how far away is it from the tops? My 2c is either to much water or N or alil of buth I would just let it dry out alil then water but for the most part they look fine I wouldn't stress over it


Active Member
Hmm, I may have just made the issue worse then. I transplanted from small pots into these 2 liter pots about a week ago, I may have to just let them dry out now and hope for the best?


Active Member
Is it just the 2 under that ufo n how far away is it from the tops? My 2c is either to much water or N or alil of buth I would just let it dry out alil then water but for the most part they look fine I wouldn't stress over it
Yeah it's just the two, I did two green crack plants under it last time and they were fine. Only thing I can think of that has changed is the amount of N I am feeding them this time has increased.


Well-Known Member
Right on when do you flip to 12/12 (just curious)? If you start to see brown spots start to show up on the leafs then its to much n but right no I wouldn't sweet it I have 6 plant in a dwc and 5 have been as helthy as can be n 1 gas show n tox from week 3 but its still doing its thing


Active Member
Okay, so after flushing last night and giving them 18 hours of light instead of 24 the leaves have now perked up. But the sides are curling under, I heard this is due to over watering? So my assumption Is I had slight N toxicity and over watering, the flushing has fixed the N but made the over watering worse... Time to just let them dry out and recover, then feed with lower N ?


Active Member
Right on when do you flip to 12/12 (just curious)? If you start to see brown spots start to show up on the leafs then its to much n but right no I wouldn't sweet it I have 6 plant in a dwc and 5 have been as helthy as can be n 1 gas show n tox from week 3 but its still doing its thing
I normally flip to 12/12 around week 6 or week 8 depending on if I have topped them.

And just to clarify, at this stage it is only the Tangie (sativa) struggling with curling leaves after a flush.

Jenny 209916

Well-Known Member
I'm using ffof soil when I first used the soil it was a little dried out so when I transplanted my clones to a 7 gallon fabric pot I only watered around the stem but most of the dirt around was dry. Then about 3 days ago I gave them a good watering to get most of the soil wet


Well-Known Member
It wasn't nitrogen toxicity or you would have seen tiny brown tips. The droop was from lack of oxygen in the soil which inhibits the plants ability to absorb water (this is an active process the requires oxygen and energy).

The resulting lack of uptake results in a drop in turgor pressure and mild drooping. Low humidity will make this condition worse as the plant will readily transpire more rapidly in drier air.

Cut back the watering, always use a liberal amount of perlite in any soul mix. Cannabis loves well draining soil and increased oxygen in the medium will yield better results due to the above listed root absorption physics.



New Member
would i fix this problem by transplanting into larger 3 gallon air pots and adding extra perilite and vermiculite to the soil mix i transfer them into?


Well-Known Member
Legally flying doesn't know fuck all about shit.

No need for vermiculite and perlite. Essentially the same thing.

After transplant I would be nice to them and foliar with kelp extract and beneficial teas (or just pick one if the two). Humic acid from the beneficial tea does wonders for a plant, honestly based on peer reviewed literature, people are crazy for not running benies. Kelp extract, the good stuff, has crazy amounts of micro nutrients and beneficial plant hormones. The plants love love love it.

If your only going to do one of the above, go with the beneficials. You likely have a jump in anaerobic fungus and bacteria in your medium because it was water logged


New Member
i did the transfer into 3 gallon air pots with super soil and went and bought myself a humidifier . humidity is a steady 55% and i noticed white transplanting them that i think my issue was root lock (the roots having no more room to grow) so hopefully my babies will perk back up quickly.