clarification on feeding schedules

so let me get this i feed my plants whenever i water them? or is it a one time a week thing...just started feeding on sunday and ive fed them 2xs this week. the leaves are starting to look droopy but the color is coming back from a dull green to a deeper green. i put them on some powdered nutes that i got from a friend and they have a n value of 20 at 1/4 strength (i used soil without nutes in them so ive decided to use a high nitrogen value) i dont want to over feed them!


Goon Moblin

BTW, feed at half dosage of what the nutrient manufacturer recommends 1.5 times a week. For now, only use pH'ed water for your next 3 waterings.... wait a minute, how often do you water/feed?

Goon Moblin

droopy leaves can be from over-watering. Really dark leaves (almost blueish) can be from too much N- have some pictures so I can see just what in the hell she looks like?


Well-Known Member
yeah, 1 time a week sometimes twice. The rest of the time just plain PH'd water, but not everyday.

Goon Moblin

I would let my plants tell me what they need. But if your looking for some kind of recipe, I would say feed once every third watering at 1/8th strength- its about the ratio of your macro and micro nutrients, not just the amount of N. You see, there are so many parameters to be wrangled into place in order to grow this plant well, so it's kind of hard for someone to confidently say, "yes," or, "no" to a specific, yet, vague question such as the one you posed. If you want someone to hold your hand, you have to tell us where it is located and whats on it first (typing for myself only) , or we will never be able to help you across the busy street. There is a, seemingly, insurmountable hill of knowledge to acquire, in order for you to do well in your objective ( grow a weed well). the only way to ascend this acclivity is to actively peruse the summit yourself- but, dont fret, this community will help you should you veer of path- even, occasionally, offer elucidation. Help us help you! do some basic research and ask informed questions- the hill I spoke of earlier is here on this website - explore with intention and direction. REAL ADVICE: check out the stickies in the newbie section and get back to us :) Btw, she looks nice and genetically well-endowed (see the leaflets on her?!?)

Goon Moblin

I would let my plants tell me what they need. But if your looking for some kind of recipe, I would say feed once every third watering at 1/8th strength- its about the ratio of your macro and micro nutrients, not just the amount of N. You see, there are so many parameters to be wrangled into place in order to grow this plant well, so it's kind of hard for someone to confidently say, "yes," or, "no" to a specific, yet, vague question such as the one you posed. If you want someone to hold your hand, you have to tell us where it is located and whats on it first (typing for myself only) , or we will never be able to help you across the busy street. There is a, seemingly, insurmountably hill of knowledge to acquire, in order for you to do well in your objective ( grow a weed well). the only way to ascend this acclivity is to actively peruse the summit yourself- but, dont fret, this community will help you should you veer of path- even, occasionally, offer elucidation. Help us help you! do some basic research and ask informed questions- the hill I spoke of earlier is here on this website - explore with intention and direction. REAL ADVICE: check out the stickies in the newbie section and get back to us :)
PS: "I just farted, careful," my avatar says as it leaves the room.
Noted. Ill do more research.
Those are some lil leafs coming in. I was hoping for those since my grow space is small. They started comming in when I lowered the lights closer to the soil (using cfls)