Clarification for soil and nute

cool I don't know crap about it. I hate ordering on line but he has it now so I will be trying it soon.
just go to wall mart and buy a half descent bag of top soil or potting soil(its very cheap and best).

I have read that people have found bugs in their soil from wal-mart and other mega stores, since they leave their dirt outside. This is the only reason I haven't tried regular topsoil, don't need to add any unnecessary variables to my grow.
Thanks everyone, much appreciated!! I was reading an article in the March Issue of High Times, page 96. Its an all organic soil recipe by SubCool. Did anyone else catch that? It seems like it really is personal preference. I think I'll take a drive to a couple of stores in my area and see what they suggest and than come up with my ultimate plan!

I got the call last night from the THC foundation and I will be legal in less than 2 weeks!