Civilization Among The Other Planets


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, if your theory held truth, a boeing 757 wouldn't need jet engines, just enough magnets to 'reverse earths gravity'.
if you are on that 757, wouldnt it seem like the earth is falling up towards you? you only have the perception of things falling down because you live on earth and are used to it.
yes magnets could do it theoretically, we just dont have the technology and it would waste energy. but you can shoot a magnet gun into the air couldnt you?

And the titanic could fly?
what? lol

would the titanic falling at g have the same impact as a peice of paper? if not, why?
they would be different because the titanic is more massive than the paper

Its possible that metals are naturally magnetic to earth core, but that would mean reversing the metal's polarity could make it weightless, or less than, or expose anti-gravity. Which we know isn't the case. So once again, we do not understand gravity.
that is because the magnetic force induced by the rock/earth is not stronger than the gravitational effects. reversing their polarity does not necessarily mean it will overtake gravity(not saying it cant).

we do not completely understand everything about gravity, but we do know some things


Well-Known Member
and as far as the paperclip bs. what does that have to do with gravity? are you also implying that superglue and duct tape are anti-gravity engines? A magnets ability to attract to another magnetic material, IMO, has absolutely nothing to do with gravity. That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.


Well-Known Member
Ok, but you ca't go making stuff up and NOT BACKING IT UP, then acting like we're stupid. Your stupid for believing such new and incompletely tested things. That's your problem, your ready to believe things right away, and you think science is perfect because you accept it. Wake up, it's not perfect. Again: Your in miracle science land, GET OUT.


Active Member
I would just like to say, that l've thus far enjoyed the exchange among minds, and thanks all for allowing me to have a thread with more than 1 or 2 pages lol...but let's keep it goin! Because l'm still kind of befuddled between the two arguments about gravity, tryin' to learn somethin here! haha


Well-Known Member
Two objects in space, one a Sherman Tank and the other, myself. if I push the Sherman tank, I will move away, not the Sherman tank. Someone stated that two objects of different masses would move away at the same rate, but that is simply not true.

The object of lesser mass will move, and not the larger, each and every time. Get some rolly chairs, and a few different weighted friends, give it a try. Applies in space too.

Just because an object is the size of Jupiter, doesn't mean it has the same gravitational feild as Jupiter, it COULD not have one at all if the structure is coreless.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome. Make sure it links back, thanks for taking me out of context and not completing the thought.


Well-Known Member
and as far as the paperclip bs. what does that have to do with gravity? are you also implying that superglue and duct tape are anti-gravity engines? A magnets ability to attract to another magnetic material, IMO, has absolutely nothing to do with gravity. That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.
do you not realize that a magnet picking up a paperclip is overtaking gravity? why doesnt the paperclip fall to the ground? the magnet is holding it up


Well-Known Member
My reference regarding the sun and jupiter, if I didn't elaborate enough on, was in response to when said "objects of mass attract eachother" yet they have orbital trajectory but why? if two large objects attract, than I would expect Jupiter to leave its trajectory to unite with the sun. However the Sun, being mostly gas, has a much different gravitational field than here on earth. Especially since it is constantly expanding/contracting and emitting radiation.


Well-Known Member
Or more accurately and specifically. "The way mindphuk changes history, without backing it up and expects people to listen"
What about history did I change?

I don't expect people to listen, I expect people to do their own basic research I know my personal level of science knowledge and I know and understand what the physics community currently believe is the state of our existence. I also don't try to contradict people like Eugenie Scott, the executive director of the National Center for Science Education


Well-Known Member
You can shoot a magnet gun int he air but what does that prove. Again: Go to the core and try that.
it proves that small amounts of magnetism can overtake the force of gravity. thus, gravity is weaker than magnetism. we know gravity is extremely weak compared to the other forces.


Well-Known Member
it proves that small amounts of magnetism can overtake the force of gravity. thus, gravity is weaker than magnetism. we know gravity is extremely weak compared to the other forces.


It proves that gravity over takes it AT THE CRUST. But that is not the only gravity there is, even on earth. Let alone the universe.

Go deep enough, and the gravity is tremendously greater.


Well-Known Member
do you not realize that a magnet picking up a paperclip is overtaking gravity? why doesnt the paperclip fall to the ground? the magnet is holding it up
That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.
That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.
That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.
That is an entirely different subject, which has been said, only proves to contain forces greater than that of gravity.

Of coarse a concentrated magnetic to a piece of steel will unite before they both unite with the ground, however, when you let go, they will both fall to the ground. You are only representing a tighter bond within the realm of gravity. we already KNOW that certain metals are magnetic and attract to one another. but this does not correlate with the actions of gravity.


Well-Known Member
Rub a ballon on your head and stick it on the wall, does that mean gravity is static? No, its a stronger force that isn't entirely relevant.


Active Member

It proves that gravity over takes it AT THE CRUST. But that is not the only gravity there is, even on earth. Let alone the universe.

Go deep enough, and the gravity is tremendously greater.
Actually...l've heard more than once that gravity is stronger on the surface, moreso than at the center of the earth...something about the forces of matter in the middle cancelling each other out...not saying it's true, but l've heard something along those lines multiple times


Well-Known Member
No if the force is greater here what is the force that is causing the molten lava in the core. The lower you go the stronger gravity is. Just like the further away from earth you are the less effect its hold has.