Citric Acid During Mescaline Extraction?


Active Member
So, sitting here with a slow cooker full of San Pedro chunks doing it's thing overnight, was wondering how much and what type of acid (per vol. of water) you guys use to acidify the soup during the extraction process?

Any other handy tips for the cooking process?

I cut mine round the outside so I'm left with a pile of strips of dark green skin. I leave the waxy layer on as I am lazy and don't mind a little vomit. The flesh is discarded. I cut the strips into small chunks and chuck them in the slow-cooker. After they're all chopped I give 'em a rinse and then cover (just) with water. I make a note of how much water (roughly) I use and then add about a tsp. of citric acid for each litre of water. Then flick the 'on' button.

After at least 12 hours (usually 24) I come back to it. People say it doesn't need this long, but personally I figure that I have the time and don't wanna waste any mesc. I strain it (through a kitchen sieve, it's only chunks so don't need anything fine), and then chuck it in a clean pot.

Simmering at a low temp for several hours reduces the large volume down to a drinkable quantity (I like about 100mL per trip, but this is up to you - maybe you prefer one shot of highly concentrated vomit-taste, or a whole litre of weak spew-juice).

Freeze the resulting drink (makes it a little bit less yuck to drink) and serve chilled. Enjoy!

PS Lookin' forward to a little mescaline tea!


Well-Known Member
Use about 3g per liter of water. No need to waste that much electricity, there is probabaly a nasty fire going on at the other end of the power cable... 30 minutes for 1st boil, 45 for second 1 hour for 3rd, will get out just about everything. The real patience with this tek comes in with the amount of acid washes (salting) you do at the end.


Active Member
So this forum is for talking about psychadelics.. but not extracting them?

So I can talk about eating cactus chunks, but not making cactus tea? Same for mushrooms?

Boy, that sure is some confusing policy


Active Member
Ok, general rule of thumb that I use when preparing tea is to use 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water. When I prepared 20g powdered cactus chips, I squeezed 1 whole lemon into a measuring cup and ended up with 1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice. So I added my 1/3 cup citric acid to 1 cup of water and simmered powder for 3 hours.

Turned out OK in the end. But that snot tea I drank was absolutely vile.

If you want I can PM you a easy extraction tek that gives you resin and crystals that you can gelcap.


Well-Known Member
Adding an excess of citric acid does no good, you just need to hit the right pH which you will do with 3g per liter of water, mix up a bottle and pour out only a much as needed to cover your chips....