Circuit keeps tripping.


Well-Known Member
For some reason my circuit keep tripping after about 5 minutes after resetting it. I removed the timer and just plugged the ballast straight into the wall. Will this help. Need answers asap plants need the love :)


Well-Known Member
What all do you have plugged the actual breaker flipping? Try to get anything unrelated to your grow or timer onto another breaker..just removing your timer is likely going to do nothing


Well-Known Member
Issue resolved I think. The laundry room is on the same circuit, but im not an electrician lol so I guess I just don't dry clothes lol


I feel your pain... my indoor grow is at a place built in the early 40's and part is still run through old school screw in fuses! You have to wonder why some things are wired together as they are and if they meet codes or not?!?


Well-Known Member
had this happen to me a good while back. I just switched and started using 2 plugins instead of the one. Worked great 4 me. lol Hope you get it resolved. ;)


I am not an electrician but I heard generally a 15 amp circuit can run up to 1850W an a 20 amp circuit can run up to 2375W
so as long as your total Watts are below that you should be fine. also remember your ballast pulls more Watts then just what it rated for. example 1000W ballast pulls about 1150w