Cinnamon Grow.


Active Member
Alrite fellas, not really a newbie , but havent grew in a while.

Picked up 10 feminized cinnamon seeds, its a strain ive never grew before.

Basically asking this question to ppl who have grew the strain before, but before i ask here is my current setup.

250W CFL - All 10 seeds sprouted with ease. (9 Left because of my stupidity, but i wont go into that lol)

There currently all under the 250W CFL.

Now when im putting them into flowering i will be flowering all 9 under a 600W HPS.

My question is .. how much approx will i yeild from this strain having 9 under the 600w HPS?
Also does this strain tend to grow really high? Also do they give off a strong smell?.

Sorry for the stupid questions but havent grew in a while and its my first time growing with this sort of setup and strain.



Active Member
im in the 5th week of flowering one feminized cinnamon this is my first grow ever so i have nothing to compare it to. but she is tall and i do smell cinnamon when the lights are out much stronger just before the light kicks in and she has mad roots imo she looks real good i cant wait to see what the next few weeks will bring.what do you think of it


Well-Known Member
yes i think i have grown the same one as you are.

was it by Female seeds, i think; came in a white packet - they so another one called Maroc? Grew that also for hash making.

Very nice plant to grow. Do not top plant, as grows one massive cola and yields best when left as single cola. As such is very good in SCROG or SOG. Can also be put onto 12/12 after 1 week. Does not get too bushy - but will grow very tall if fed well and given plenty of light, atleast 1.5m.

it is crossed with Jack Herer, and is surprisingly stable - all plants were very similar with very little variation.

Was very strong to smoke, and stank like fuck when growing - esp. during flowering.

Why not move them under the 600w light after 4-7 days undder CLF's and install an MH bulb until you put on to flower. Will give you best growth, and keep plant internodes nicely close together and uniform.

Then change to HPS for flowering.

As for yield - it can be huge if you give them the start, food, space and light thry need. Infact had to tie a few of my to colas up to stop the stems snapping. The main cola can weight in at 2-3 oz dry easy.

hope this helps.


Active Member
mines have been flowering now for 4 weeks and my buds are no where near as much developed as yours, wats up with that?


Active Member
beginner luck maybe. to tell the truth im surprised its go as well as it is this is my first real grow im useing a 430w hps son agro light with the stealth hydro high feed formula.I allso got 4 of what im told is afghan and 1 bag seed going but the cinnamon looks the best. do you have any pics of yours?


Active Member
i have a question . on the seed description from the bank it says flowering periode 9wks(70%) what if you go over 9wks will the bud be weaker


Active Member
cant get any pics m8 , and im not sure about the 9 week business.. but im pretty sure longer periods wud decrease the thc ..

just hoping my buds will get a bit fatter n bigger.. not looking good at the minute , 1 month left of flowering