cigarette filters on joints?


Active Member
My friend rolls joints with half a cigarette filter at the end, but I was wondering if it is filtering out some of the good stuff like thc? Still got high off it.


Active Member
lol dude dont do that, even that nasty tar isnt gonna give you cancer.

The filter, especially if its been fucked with a good deal, is going to add fiberglass to the mix depending on what brand ciggs you're using. If you still wanna do this, find a brand of smokes that uses filters derived from cork or something (usually natural ciggs). Bongs are best, good bongs are far better. The more water the smoke goes thru the more I like it, check out Governmint bongs, they are retarded awesome and well made(American made 5m all the way thru incl the bell baby).


Well-Known Member
It absolutely filters out some of the good stuff
Even a bong/bubbler/water filter filters out enough of the good stuff to make using a device for health reasons a bit silly
NORML worked with another group to do a study on how well different methods of using marijuana filtered out some things like tar, and how efficiently they delivered THC

basically vaporizers are #1 and joints/spoons/unfiltered smoking methods are #2
bongs/bubblers/etc filter out enough thc that you would have to smoke more to get the same level, thus putting even more shit in your lungs


Active Member
Yeah, if we could use filters don't you think it'd be common usuage? It deff filters out the good shit - if you're rich and can afford to waste money then go for it!


Well-Known Member
Marijuana smoke isn't bad enough for you to need a filter anyway, some people with breathing problems like asthma actually turn to smoking marijuana for help (it helps clear up mucus, dead/dieing cells, and opens up the air ways, especially those with bronchitis if I recall correctly). The THC is so extremely beneficial to your body that it cancels out all the negative effects of the smoke itself (except for a very temporary and small loss in lung air capacity). US government funded studies have shown that straight up smoking marijuana for decades does not increase your risk of developing any of the health problems associated with smoking cigarettes, and that it may actually lower your risks compared to the general population that dosen't smoke anything (the drop below non smokers rates was very small, but that is a huge difference over an increase in risks like with tobacco).

There is no reason to use a filter with marijuana unless its just harsh on your airway for whatever reason (probably an improper job of drying and curing), but if it isn't a problem like that then don't bother.