church kicks out boyscouts over policy on gays..

You guys definitely have a brain disease and are unable to comprehend.
If the people in the scouts don't want some queer taking there kids on overnight camping trips
that is there right and further more that doesn't make them hate anyone. They also have the right to not want other queer scouts leading or mentoring there kids.

Most of the country agrees with me so continue to whine and cry bigot hate etc.
like a bunch of little bitches because people don't see it your way.

What on earth are you even talking about?
The story has nothing parents not wanting gay scout leaders or scouts mentoring their, not there, kids..
It the fact that a church decided it was a bright idea to.evict a scout troop from their house of worship because allowing gays into an organization is bad and all..
You guys definitely have a brain disease and are unable to comprehend.
If the people in the scouts don't want some queer taking there kids on overnight camping trips
that is there right and further more that doesn't make them hate anyone. They also have the right to not want other queer scouts leading or mentoring there kids.

Most of the country agrees with me so continue to whine and cry bigot hate etc.
like a bunch of little bitches because people don't see it your way.

i see you're trying to imply some type of connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, which is not only baseless, but quite bigoted.

in fact, of the pedophiles studied, those who had any interest in adult relationships were 300% more likely to be heterosexual.

but don't let facts get in the way of you being either a dumbass or a bigoted dumbass. you never do.
What on earth are you even talking about?
The story has nothing parents not wanting gay scout leaders or scouts mentoring their, not there, kids..
It the fact that a church decided it was a bright idea to.evict a scout troop from their house of worship because allowing gays into an organization is bad and all..

They of course should not be allowed in the church either. It is completely contradictory to
what they believe in and freedom of religion as I recall. Would the liberals be so but hurt if it was a mosque that wouldn't let them in?
You guys definitely have a brain disease and are unable to comprehend.
If the people in the scouts don't want some queer taking there kids on overnight camping trips
that is there right and further more that doesn't make them hate anyone. They also have the right to not want other queer scouts leading or mentoring there kids.

Most of the country agrees with me so continue to whine and cry bigot hate etc.
like a bunch of little bitches because people don't see it your way.

Did you even read the OP? Wtf are you talking about? I don't even.... gahhhhhhhhh
i see you're trying to imply some type of connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, which is not only baseless, but quite bigoted.

Baseless hey? As in "Having no basis or foundation in fact; unfounded."

Nearly as good as your bullshit claim that homosexual couples make better parents than heterosexual couples...
Baseless hey? As in "Having no basis or foundation in fact; unfounded."

Nearly as good as your bullshit claim that homosexual couples make better parents than heterosexual couples...

go ahead and show the connection then.

i posted a thorough, comprehensive study showing there is no connection, your flippant dismissal is really no mach for the study i posted.

but it's good to see you are angry (again).
go ahead and show the connection then.

i posted a thorough, comprehensive study showing there is no connection, your flippant dismissal is really no mach for the study i posted.

but it's good to see you are angry (again).

You used the word "Baseless"... Remember its meaning so you can apologise for bullshitting us once again...

The following sickos were featured on a TV show and basically labelled the poster boys for homosexual fathers...

So it would seem there is now a precedent...
You used the word "Baseless"... Remember its meaning so you can apologise for bullshitting us once again...

The following sickos were featured on a TV show and basically labelled the poster boys for homosexual fathers...

So it would seem there is now a precedent...

the assertion that there is any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia is baseless.

feel free to try to prove otherwise, you angry little thing.
the assertion that there is any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia is baseless.

feel free to try to prove otherwise, you angry little thing.

You keep looking for her bukket... That would be another example of precedent; kind of like "limited means" and the lack of AV plates...

so far tonight, echelon has...

*disputed that the claim of a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia was baseless, then refused to provide any evidence for the assertion

*refused to explain why he joined a group of "like minded" white supremacists (twice).

*claimed that i said it was "good" when liberals call people "dot heads", and then refused to provide any evidence for his assertion

one night, three good sized lies.

honesty is not your strong suit, echelon. nor is not being really angry all the time.
so far tonight, echelon has...

*disputed that the claim of a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia was baseless, then refused to provide any evidence for the assertion

*refused to explain why he joined a group of "like minded" white supremacists (twice).

*claimed that i said it was "good" when liberals call people "dot heads", and then refused to provide any evidence for his assertion

one night, three good sized lies.

honesty is not your strong suit, echelon. nor is not being really angry all the time.

So far tonight, you've done nothing but lie, as you've proven with the above lies; as you do every day and night you parasitic leech... Go back to being the number one cause of fat rash on plus sized walruses...
So far tonight, you've done nothing but lie, as you've proven with the above lies

nothing i wrote above is a lie, otherwise you would be able to cite the non-existent connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, or a quote of mine where i said that it was good that liberals used the term dot heads, or give an honest answer as to why you joined a*group of "like minded" white nationalists and holocaust deniers (twice).

ya see, that's the thing about facts. they don't care if idiots like you don't believe them.
nothing i wrote above is a lie, otherwise you would be able to cite the non-existent connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, or a quote of mine where i said that it was good that liberals used the term dot heads, or give an honest answer as to why you joined a*group of "like minded" white nationalists and holocaust deniers (twice).

ya see, that's the thing about facts. they don't care if idiots like you don't believe them.

"Global warming will kill us all, republicans are responsible"... keep repeating your mantra, see if it'll stick - I've told you many times a deaf, dumb and blind crackwhore has double the intelligence and three times the credibility you posses... So keep flailing away, maybe your missus will stay...
homosexuality - perversion of natural law
Pedophilia - perversion of natural law

homosexuality is a natural variation of human sexuality, actually.

just like some people have foot fetishes and some people like to toe tap in airport bathroom stalls.

do you think you are bringing insight rather than bigotry to this thread?
homosexuality is a natural variation of human sexuality, actually.

just like some people have foot fetishes and some people like to toe tap in airport bathroom stalls.

do you think you are bringing insight rather than bigotry to this thread?

"homosexuality is a natural variation of human sexuality" That defies natural law

"homosexuality is a natural variation" :spew:
Good for the Scouts, good for the church. Both can do what they want. Get over it.

I don't agree with you often, but you are absolutely right on this.

They both accept members on a volunteer basis. If you are part of either organization you would be welcome to leave if you like.

I am not an atheist but, I despise organized religion. about the most hypocritical bunch of nonsense I can think of.

I also believe people shouldn't be discriminated against based solely on their sexual preference, even if I do not necessarily agree with it, but denying membership based on such a thing is not necessarily discrimination.

....if I have a club like the church or scouts, and I do not want a particular type of person. Be it race,gender,class,or sexual preference,smoker,or not. It is my right to not allow them membership. If you don't like it.. start your own club.