Chrystal grow 4 weeks into flower

Why thank you kind sir!!
1.5m square tent
2 x 600w growlux (shitty shades but hey!)
5" fan out on controler
4" fan in continuous
co2 on controler
grown in coco
full canna 2 part nutes fed by hand because I find it more personal
they are currently swallowing 3/4 strength without ANY signs of stress
drinking 2 litres a day each at present


Active Member
are you using ant bloom nutes in the mix
I grow in coco to, do you allow 30% runoff every watering or dont you see the need
what seeds did you use

nice grow
No allowance for run off, no need. I have the ladies in 3 trays & nver water from top always in the trays. Just keep my eye on plants, check the pots for weight and give them what they need. After about an hour I check trays, if no water left I top it up with half of original volume & so on. I also mix coco with 50/50 clay pellets which draw up everything nicely:-)
I use canna bloom at present & they love it!!
Everybody grows different but if it ain't broke don't fix it!
Ph is constant @ 5.8 temp 85 & humidity 55 day 40 night temp 69/72
Seeds from nirvana, superb! 90% germ 100% fem (fem beans) can't fault genetics.
Very stable, none showing more than 70% sativa. Most about 60% as it says on the tin!!


Active Member
sounds like you know your stuff, do you have any pics of your setup

I have read so many things about allowing 30% runoff when watering coco, and some ppl dont ever do it the dont see then need

I got some autopots lyin around I cant wait to give them a try
Sorry not got pics of set up don't seem to get the time!
Autopots are good but you need to keep your eye on nute build up in the pipes. It builds up quite quickly & restricts the food but if you keep your eye on that they are great especially in coco because it does dry out quickly if not monitored. Also check the pivot points on the release valve because it has a habbit of coming off then you either have no food or your whole tank empties into one pot!!!


Active Member
shame you dont have any pics of your set up

I have no experiance with autopots I was hoping on doin this:

6 auto pots in coco linked to a 100 ltr tank...I was hoping that I could only check on them once a week but thats a bit optimistic I know. (only eperiance will tell)

cant wait to see your harvest

ok about the runoff thing do you ever flush your plants from the top
The only time I ever flush them is if they show signs of stress & never from the top. The way I see it is that those little fibres that come off the main root system are the ones that take in the micro nutes & the least disturbance to those the better IMO & the roots will drag water up not down, does that make sense? well in my world it does! ha ha ha.
I would say using auto pots on a weekly visit is workable in the early stages but if pots are 15 ltr when ladies start getting thirsty 100ltr tank is not big enough to go a week IMO. also an air stone/pump in tank would be a good idea to keep nuts & ph balanced I suppose.
what strain are you going to grow in there?