Chronic?? The Chronic??


Well-Known Member
Okay- I dont do any seed shopping so try not to torch me on this one k? K.

Theres always bud going around here labeled "chronic" or "The Chronic"

question is... Is this an actual strain?? if so, where does it come from??

my reason for asking is because my buddy asked for some advice (just began his first grow) and I traded him some veg. nutes, soil, shop-lite flouros, some cfl's with fixtures (relatively cheap items) for about a 4in in heighth "chronic" plant.... he got the seed from a sac he bought a while back- hopefully female-or possibly better yet a male!!!!!! lol

so, is it a real strain?? if yes- where do I find some information 0on the strand?? thanks in advance as I am not a seed but more of a clone guy.. GraF