chronic Shoulder dislocations, exercises?


Well-Known Member
Hey i know this is the wrong forum to post this isn't letting me post. My right shoulder has dislocated 18 times in the past 6 months. My left shoulder dislocated in march and hasn't since, it seems more stable, but there's less range of motion in the left.

Strangely, my right shoulder, which i've learned to re-locate(reduction) on my own. And once i pop it back in, it has more range of motion then the left, but it feels so loose and week. I've been leaning against a wall to try and strengthen the muscles/tendons that i think are loose or torn.

Thinking i'll need surgery? anyone have a similar experience? Anyone think physical therapy will heal a shoulder dislocated 18 times? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest you use resistance bands.. i have whats called noisy socket.. basically my shoulders click from having them locked out racing MX. attach a resistance band to something at navel height.. take a step out and draw it across your body extending your arm out to your side. Kinda hard to explain your fist should start at your belly button and then at the end of the move be fully extended (important to keep your elbow on your hip for the first part of this, then smoothly extend it to the fully locked position out to your side).. do that for 3 sets of 15 every time you work out or have some time.. then your going to switch positions and have the your arm fully extended to the side and pull it back into the initial resting position.. If this is to painful for you simply keep your elbow pinned at your side and draw the band across your body then for the other side extend your arm out to make a 90 degree (elbow on hip!) this will work the ligaments holding your shoulder together inner and outer. I have had great success with this simple exercise


Well-Known Member
i would suggest you use resistance bands.. i have whats called noisy socket.. basically my shoulders click from having them locked out racing MX. attach a resistance band to something at navel height.. take a step out and draw it across your body extending your arm out to your side. Kinda hard to explain your fist should start at your belly button and then at the end of the move be fully extended (important to keep your elbow on your hip for the first part of this, then smoothly extend it to the fully locked position out to your side).. do that for 3 sets of 15 every time you work out or have some time.. then your going to switch positions and have the your arm fully extended to the side and pull it back into the initial resting position.. If this is to painful for you simply keep your elbow pinned at your side and draw the band across your body then for the other side extend your arm out to make a 90 degree (elbow on hip!) this will work the ligaments holding your shoulder together inner and outer. I have had great success with this simple exercise
had shoulder surgery (for a tear) and still need to have the other one done.. this is the exact PT I was given