Chronic Pain Thread


Well-Known Member
I am just sitting here avoiding my boss he is a dickhead(me) and my employee is a lazy bastard(me also). And you?


Well-Known Member
I had a bad pain spell for a week or so and when that happens I am crippled. I still fail to comprehend it and hope it goes away.


Well-Known Member
Bummer to hear that you are having a bad spell. Hopefully it will pass. I sat in a plastic chair on my front balcony and the chair broke. Put me right on my ass. So I have been NOT getting things done. I need to build a frame for my 2 2x4 trays so that the veg room can get rolling. I have one tray sitting on my 30 gal res. I have 20 new clones and am ready to get some off my ladies. I have been using the sunhut XXL as my veg room under a 600 watt'r. I an rambling and the pain is getting up ther from typing. More later.

I hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
hehehe do a google search or maybe imiage search on stds i bet some of that shit would give you some cronic pain or at least be annoying as hell.

normally id post a pic n be all smart assy but i dont even wanna be seeing none of that crap...

hmmm theres my two bob. i guess itl have to do

peace out :)


Well-Known Member
hehehe do a google search or maybe imiage search on stds i bet some of that shit would give you some cronic pain or at least be annoying as hell.

normally id post a pic n be all smart assy but i dont even wanna be seeing none of that crap...

hmmm theres my two bob. i guess itl have to do

peace out :)
Crabs comes to mind!:)


Well-Known Member
My spine is cutting the cord at the c-3 level.I am not paralyzed but i will be if I don't quit breathing first. Slowly very slowly. Nothing helps. There is no surgery no treatment. Pain killers are all bullshit. Doctors are all patronizing wieners with dollar signs in there eyes.

In my sublime agony I laugh. I laugh because amongst all this bullshit... life goes on. I try to ignore my prognosis. Sweet, sweet denial. I love denial. I love thinking someday if I can live long enough some smart doc will cure me. Then I wake up and realize i am fucked. Was that a dream? Was it a nightmare?

This is all a bad dream and I am fine? I hope so? I took celebrex for 5 years and stroked out. Some days I wish The stroke led me to a dirt nap. The bliss of death. Who wants to live with pain that is only guaranteed to get worse on a daily basis?

I keep a giant handgun loaded, cocked, semi brass jacked hollow points , safety off by my bed. I ask myself "is this the day?" . Frequently I awake in agony. Body parts paralyzed by spasm. Some times I have to sleep sitting up. All I desire then is to sleep laying down. Never satisfied with my position.

Pain is my mistress. Sleep eludes me. Death defies me.
Doctors insult me. This dog watches me.
The dog is my shadow. That is truly mans best friend. No matter how angry I get that animal is capable of unconditional love.

On my bad days nobody wants to hear me scream. The strength and duration of my pain are apparently limitless.

I know it is hard to watch a loved one suffer, locked is spasm, water leaks from my face.
My good days are filled with denial and hope. Usually mixed with some potent dope.

I watch what I eat exercise do all the right things. This is ironic , worried about my cholesterol and sleeping with a weapon. Always hoping that I will have the courage to end this all when the time comes.

I went to some pain managers. Tons of morphine. Never worked. Oxy never worked. Stadol......demerol....I have tried all the pain killers. They only numb your intellect. Being too stupid to fully appreciate your situation.

Feel free to post your own rants it helps. Spill your guts. If you tell it you have accepted it. Until the sweet sweet denial sets in.
I hate to quote me but an update:)
I sleep with a weapon now for personal advancement.​
My chronic pain is not so important now.​
I still get crippled with spasm but I perceive the pain differently.​
When I laugh and it locks me in spasm, I think it is funny and I laugh more.​
I think such a twist of fate is funny.​
Just think about it:
if I laugh, I fall over with excruciating spasms​

The truth.​

Admitting that truth does something to the human mind.​
It strips negative thoughts that amplify bad emotions.​
Your mind can readjust to your condition and you can move on.​
Moving to another point will change the perspective of your pain.​


Post Your Rant

The truth will set you free!​


Well-Known Member
D your a true yogi turning the pain around like that.
So true, the old saying "the truth will set you free. You are sitting in the truth. You have transcended suffering.

If I can see that I do not have a findable core "me" : sorta like I don't exist with out being dependent on other cuases or factors for my existence; then I can see the pain as being illusory also. Still hurts but it is different like you talk about.

You are insiprational.

I sat in a plastic outdoor chair earlier this week and both the chair legs broke and down I crashed. I was in bed for 2 days. I was talking with my dad on the phone, telling him the story and he says "Guess you better lose some weight." I am rolling on the floor laughing. My dad asks what's so funny. Dad you wouldn't get it.

I still feel grateful. I have learned so much going through this physical stuff.:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I am not a yogi. This is a survival instinct. We all have it.
Peace orzz, and lose some weight or quit buying your chairs from Walmart:bigjoint:
(I am laughing again):peace:


Well-Known Member

Yea, my weight is not going to get lighter. And the best is .... I don't freak over the weight. I am glad to be happy in the moment.


Well-Known Member
I surely had no idea how much work it takes to get a room set up and running. But I now have a grow journal. Stop by and say "hi".


Well-Known Member
I am nearly paralyzed the spasms are permanent. I have already installed wheelchair ramps in my home and created a job I can do while paralyzed.

So now I wait.