Chronic Goat cheese Day 24 from seed (HOW AM I DOING?)

Ok so heres my question, do I need to transplant these guys into bigger containers or should I go into flower like this? They arent very big, only 5" tall and about 6" wide. Small but bushy. Im attaching some pics of my setup. Its a 6 gallon resevior ebb n flow set to flood every 3 hours for 15 minutes. 400 watt Metal Halide bulb + 125 watt CFL w/shroud running 24/0. 50% nutrient solution ( technaflora recipe for success ) Im wanting to do continuous harvest so 2 are coming out for mothers. As well as my lemon haze seedling I just planted today:-P Any input or advice to help guide me through these next phases would be greatly appreciated. Share the love people, lets help to get a great harvest. Oh and sorry about the light lines in the pics.

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Ok so whats up with this? 31 views in 3 minutes and no replies? Where is the help @??? It seems to me like most people just want to surf threads and stare @ pics rather then contribute.


Well-Known Member
nice plants man. have they shown sex yet? as for your Q: if you where to flower them now you might be ok with 6 gallons of space but if the strain grows crazy roots its going to be packed most likely. its better to play it safe and go with a bigger tote/rez it cant hurt. IMO
No sex yet, but im confident they are female. Got seeds from good source.Im wondering how i could transplant? Should I put them in individual bubble buckets? Or just make a bigger set up of what im running currently? They are in a 35qt flood tray now with roots hanging only like 1" off bottom ( they touch the tray) with a 6 gallon res underneath( See pics previously posted) So here are the questions: How do I transplant without harm to roots or root ball, What do I transfer into, and will it stress them too much?


Well-Known Member
yeah if their already at the bottom get some bubble buckets if you got the cash or just make a bigger one. you could transplant into coco/soil aswell. just use care with the roots. if your realy worried about stress give them some b1 a few days before you transplant.
Could I just add a 14" airstone into the tray running constantly? Then up feeding to every 2 hours for 10 mins? Then it would be like an ebb n flow/aeroponic hybrid .


just some guy
they look nice. Why change it now?

Why did you go with netpots over just putting the plants into regular pots?
Roots are sitting in very small amount of water in bottom of flood tray. Dont want a pythium outbreak so im trying to implement something to moderate the risk(additional airstone, cover tray w/black trashbags, etc) . I like the net pots personally. Massive root exposure to water.

TO Meangreen69: I decided to go get 2 x 18 gallon rubbermade totes and am going to replicate the same system with those. 3 plants per tub. Ill keep the smaller one for sprouts and my clones. I figure if I run those 2 ebb n flow setups with the 3rd as a cloner I can get a pretty nice continuous harvest. 400 watt MH for 2 mothers in a 2x2x4 tent, 600 watt HPS for flower in closet. What do you think?