Christmas lights


Well-Known Member
so last night my friends and i go to this rich neighborhood where they put up a crazy amount of lights like christmas vacation

We all had a personal bowl to ourselves and drove around going 10mph in this large hood. Now if you dont know how or used to driving high, i wouldnt recommend this activity, but driving high looking at xmas lights was the best idea ever! i never felt so baked in my life then listening to my fav beats in the car with my 3 best friends, being able to drive slow and looking at millions of lights.

Everyone should try this activity, this holiday season.


Well-Known Member
At my college we have a road thats very curvy, and runs along the ocean. The waves crash up against the cliffs, and splash 20' in the air. At sunset (coincidentally around 4:20), the sunset is AMAZING. So I know exactly what you mean. I live in dorms- bowl cruises are a daily thing for my friends and me. I get nervous sometimes, but its a lot of fun.