Christmas cheer?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Now he knows the Hippy to be correct.......his blindness will heal....when he take his tongue outta the LP's arsholes. He's a licker.
I bet he's running away from xmas as we speak.....Boo....Jesus is coming. Wink


Well-Known Member
This is the best Christmas ever...we're not celebrating! No tree, no presents, no decorations and no annoying Christmas music. I hate the season anyway, and with moving and a new job I convinced my wife to cancel it...except for the turkey dinner! Life is good!
It is wonderful eh? No tree, yay! I tried for no gift but only got it down to whatever can fit in a Christmas stocking, and no oversize stockings. I like it, cash and gift cards fit well. No turkey dinner. I asked for my present to be chicken schnitzel and I do not even have to host this year! YAY.

I have disliked Christmas for a long time now, or at least the commercialization of it. Christmas gift giving is for kids. Christmas is for family and friends to get together, to share.