christian/catholic/jew can only see


King Tut
im 50 days sober now, no cannabis, no alcohol, not even caffeine. i knew when i started my spiritual journey to find out who i am... cannabis was going to be the hardest thing i was going to have to give up to find the better parts of me ive been hiding from for so long. it's still hard, but it gets easier. with each passing day i gain more and more strength, more courage and more wisdom. i think in order to find out who we really are, to be conscious of ourselves... it is required of us to give up those things that temp us to be less conscious beings.

higher levels of consciousness, higher levels of awareness, of spirituality... how are we supposed to gain those things as individuals whilst still giving in to our temptations to sedate them? i think that also must be answered, and dealt with, by the individual. it is up to you, how you go about finding yourself... and figuring out what truth is... and if it is even attainable.

good luck my friend, it is hard to decide what to do... but even harder to decide what not to do. all the courage and strength and wisdom is already in you... you just have to find it, no one can help you but yourself. but encouragement makes it a whole lot easier :)

you've got it all in you, i trust you will make the right decision, when it is the right time

hope that helps bro
VERY wise spiritual advice imo.

For me personally, it comes to the fact that physically, i can barely get out of bed without medication. i have run the gamut with pharmaceuticals and well, it's not been pretty. No time right now to detail it but i have before on this forum. So i choose cannabis in it's many medical forms. i guess i figure at least i'm able to work and help support my family. Makes it a whole lot easier to deal with the many other aspects of my life that need to be dealt with.


Well-Known Member
could not be more true. im trying to multitude. cannabis, chamomile, lemon balm, skull cap. but cannabis tea has its own jar. love the taste of straight dried or mixed with leptons


Well-Known Member
That was a weak spin on the bi-polar issue. VERY weak evidently :mrgreen:
lol i dont really remember being unsure of what i liked :)
not bipolar related anyway..

but im sure someone else got that without needing to be told :)

lol, the bi polar bear :D (sometimes that bear eats you and sometimes he´s depressed.)


god put that plant here for us... as long as u give praise to god and put him first and his will... the gov said its bad not god... the gov is corupted by ungoddly people that have there own idles. ie money power ect. This country is going down an ungoddly path. soon u will be pusicuted if your a christain


Ursus marijanus
god put that plant here for us... as long as u give praise to god and put him first and his will... the gov said its bad not god... the gov is corupted by ungoddly people that have there own idles. ie money power ect. This country is going down an ungoddly path. soon u will be pusicuted if your a christain
Nnoooo ... death by cute pusi! Don't throw me into the briar patch, oh noes ...


Well-Known Member
i don't see what religion or God has to do with your relationship problems or marijuana use? i'm a christian and have smoked pot almost every day for 30 years. i don't feel one bit guilty or sorry for it (then again i'm not catholic ;-)) i don't believe it breaks any of the commandments. i believe we are to use what's given to us by our creator :peace:


Well-Known Member
Budda, Jesus and probably Mohammed used hallucinogens. Well, maybe not Mohammed, I think he took camel shit.