Chopped leaves off mid flower - Help


Well-Known Member
I'm about 1.5 months into flower, I did a big no no and took a bunch of big leaves off to open light up to the bottom. Now the plant seems to be pulling nutrients away from the tops to build up the bottom. The side tops were once dense but now are becoming airy and wilty, and loosing their leaves.

My question for you is, should I chop the tops off now so I can harvest that bit before the nutes are all gone out of them, or leave them on. Should I beef up the nutes in the soil? Also, during all of this, I believe it will still produce well, just will take a longer flower period, am I correct in assuming that?

Cpt Jack

Get some more neuts in there bud to give it the extra it needs. dont go too crazy tho. not sure what strngth your usin at the mo? i did the same my last crop. caused my plant to take a couple of weeks longer than planned but no seriouse issues. a good strong mixture got my firmness back within a couple of weeks. i threw in some bud blood at that point too. tenner a packet. bout a weeks worth. i gave mine in 3 feeds so week and half. dont worry dude ya havent done anything too bad. hey i had hardly any fan leaves come harvest but still pulled 14 dry oz of pukka jack hearer so thats proved to me that its not a big thing. just leave her be now bud and she'll be fine


Well-Known Member
yea im using fox farm at a little bit greater than the recommended dose. It's just hard because these nutes "build up in the soil over time" so I hope they build up fast enough to save it.