chop top now and bottom couple days later?


Well-Known Member
Would choping down all top halfs of my plants and trim them and then couple days later chop bottom half really help the bottom half gett any bigger?

Or should i just chop plant by plant.


Well-Known Member
I just did that this past week and really didn't notice anything. I think if anything, I noticed sugar leaves growing more. I didn't notice any further ripening of the buds. I harvested last Fri. and Sat. and then the bottom today. The buds were still healthy and not wilted but no extra bulk. Maybe if I waited longer they might have done something, but I needed to get that plant gone.


Well-Known Member
I am really interested in this question!

I am a Noob, first grow....

At the end the plant gets 72 hours of dark right?

when would you take the top, before or after 72??

would you do the 3 day blackout twice?


Well-Known Member
The 72 hour thing is a hoax and mainly for indoor anyways. You would have to leave the bottoms for longer than a week. It all so depends on how munch of the top you took off, Just the main colas or chopped half the plant. The golf ball nugs will mature and fatten up more. popcorn won't progress much. I have one 2 weeks since taking the tops and one one week after taking the tops and there is a noticeable difference .


Well-Known Member
I grow in a tent, hydro so the 72 hours of dark apply to me, right?

Are you saying the long dark period is not needed on plants grown indoors?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject how much of the lower plant should be left so that it won't just die?

I left like the lowest 1 foot (buds and leaves) on a few and now I'm wondering if they'll just die. I guess time will tell.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject how much of the lower plant should be left so that it won't just die?

I left like the lowest 1 foot (buds and leaves) on a few and now I'm wondering if they'll just die. I guess time will tell.
Well from what I've seen people reveg with it. But idunno about outdoors. But plants can survive winter though and keep on kicking. So it could be possible.


Well-Known Member
Die? No.. But just like any damage(nute burn, topping, pinching etc...) Plants needs time to heal, and then it will continue to mature.

cancer survivor

Active Member
i cut the top 5 ft off and let the bottom 4 ft or so grow another 2 weeks, the bottom buds get bigger and stack up a little more! been doing this for more than 20 years! carry on.


Well-Known Member
mon chops all buds that are ready, any fluff remains on plant and comes off in about 2-3 weeks give or take. First week it does not do much, second and 3rd week they start really taking off. Mon flushes, so after first harvest, mon feeds with nutes 1x then back to molasses and flushing. Mon estimated qp off of second harvet and actually underestimated and pulled little less than half pound on 2nd harvest, even left other fluff and gonna try to get 3rd harvest, hoping for a qp this time round. Stress of first chop and cold sometimes makes it purple up and brings alot of color, in fact my second harvest of same plant looks nothing like mon first harvest.