chop chop chop!! finally!


New Member
IMG_0492[1].jpgsannie's jack...this is my first plant to harvest. 6 more to go! it's been a long 6 i get to spend days trimming and another month curing lol


Well-Known Member
It's always great to have your first harvest come in, pretty soon you'll be smoking your own grow, how great is that?


New Member
any guess as to how much i got off that plant in the pic i posted? they are dense nugs. i think i've got a couple that will be more and a couple that will be less. i'm only working with 6 hours of direct sun a day and a 5' max height for security...


Well-Known Member
It's extremely hard to judge weight just from looks. I've seen very dense fresh buds dry up and become fluffy. Even very experienced growers have a tough time determining dry weight. Patience. It looks like you've got some good smoke in the very near future.


New Member
IMG_0422[1].jpgfirst plant chopped dried and manicured! looks to b about 8 zips, which is acceptable under my growing conditions...4 plants drying and my last 2 being chopped down tomorrow!!