Chop before 6 day vacation?

In four weeks, I am going away on vaca for 6 days right around the time my ladies should be ready. Should I chop and hang them right before I leave for 5 nights, or wait until I get back? If I wait I wanna bring them inside the garage while im gone... I cant leave em unattended, ripe ready to be ripped...right?



Well-Known Member
I say leave them to finish while you're away. Like the old adage says, "When you think they're ready, give them another week".
They are in 5 gallon buckets... I don't really wanna leave em outside while im gone. Should I put em in the garage, and at least set the garage light on a timer.


That's what I would do. I have the same dilemma, I'm leaving for 3 nights and locking the Girl up in the shed. I just don't want to take the chance, she is very stinky right now.


Well-Known Member
beautful plants, good job! i kills me that i can't put a couple outside.

i'm assuming you have grow lights! if not, i'd cut them before you leave. if you have grow lights, if you don't think they are ready yet, put them on a timer, soak them thoroughly and put the light up really high. they'll be ready to cut when you get back.


Well-Known Member
no grow lights... it would be a regular 100w light bulb. Better than leaving it to get jacked I would figure.
let us know what you end up doing. i'm way to high to remember precisely, or to look it up, but i believe thc is affected by many things and one of those is the intensity of the light recieved. if indeed this is even a little bit true, i'd be concerned that the old 100 watt bulb trick might bite you in the ass. then again that could have been from a dream i had... it's all so confusing! :)

from the look of those plants, i'd say another 30 days would be just about right!


Well-Known Member
no grow lights... it would be a regular 100w light bulb. Better than leaving it to get jacked I would figure.
100w is not enough for those beautiful babies... I agree with carne seca that they look done or very close, you may want to chop 3-4 days before you leave that way they are at least dried. I dunno. best of luck. stay high

You got my 420th post... yeah!!!!! where's the marching band smilie??? bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Active Member
It's harder to control what goes on on your property when you aren't there. What if kids break into the garage?

I would look at it this way, they may not be at their peak yet but I can either cut now and have a sure thing or I can take a gamble and leave them. I might hedge my bets and do half/half. I would def do a test smoke to see what I have.

If you do put them in the garage, at least get a flourescent.
im not so worried about a garage break in, I guess i will wait to see where im at before deciding. But its either chop and hang right before going, or pull in garage and put a fluorescent light on a 12/12 timer.